
Year of Publication: 2024

Year of Publication: 2023

Year of Publication: 2022

Atkins JW, Stovall AE, Silva CA. Open-Source tools in R for forestry and forest ecology. Forest Ecology and Management. 2022;503(6103133624258434333364923616831-32G26):119813.
Helmig D, Guenther A, Hueber J, Daly R, Wang W, Park J-, et al. Ozone reactivity measurement of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 2022;15(18):5439-5454.
Austin EL. The Influence of Taste Perception in Foraging Choices in Rusty Crayfish. Vol Masters. Bowling Green State University; 2022.

Year of Publication: 2021

Kaye CA. Addressing the risk of lampricide exposure to three federally listed species in U.S. streams. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 2021;47(Suppl. 1):S388-S406.
Popma J. Deer Browsing Effects on Temperate Forest Biogeochemistry, Plant Community Composition, and Plant Chemistry. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan; 2021.
Bushyhead C. Detrital Input and Removal Treatment (DIRT) Network Soil Analysis in the UMBS Michigan Field Site. Vol Baccalaureate of Science. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University; 2021.
Randazzo N. North American Biospheric Carbon Exchange Variability Explained by Climatological and Meteorological Regimes. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Stanford, California: Stanford University; 2021.
Nave L., Bowman M., Gallo A., Hatten J., Heckman K., Matosziuk L., et al. Patterns and predictors of soil organic carbon storage across a continental-scale network. Biogeochemistry. 2021;(13221121623–46545630615211253331–44587043631–23327634113–427441–351):75-96.
Lal R, Monger C, Nave L, Smith P. The role of soil in regulation of climate. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2021;376256811(1834):20210084.
Tonietto R, Brien L’, Van Haitsma C, Su C, Blankertz N, Mosiniak HG, et al. Toward a carbon neutral campus: a scalable approach to estimate carbon storage and biosequestration, an example from University of MichiganPurposeDesign/methodology/approachFindingsOriginality/value. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 2021;221618261131316610216211-2125933743152012467649150481152402111047223178565947421201076316412104(5251/471591371183571161/26111/3773942391/211):1108-1124.
Warner SM. Tree Rings and Climate in the Great Lakes Region—Past, Present, and Future. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University; 2021.

Year of Publication: 2020

Allen D, Kim AY. A permutation test and spatial cross-validation approach to assess models of interspecific competition between trees. PLOS ONE. 2020;15213416921642797121352939174044823311127(324122113112758519843117104112):e0229930.
Aron PG, Poulsen CJ, Fiorella RP, Matheny AM, Veverica TJ. An isotopic approach to partition evapotranspiration in a mixed deciduous forest. Ecohydrology. 2020;124478321171752165252668111011655197826837264451226253(197415201920342018931119124).
Weighman KK, Moore PA. Mapping Dynamic Exposure: Constructing GIS Models of Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity in Artificial Stream Systems. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2020;78412254119151922252632349678130031231075053250685197219194914183202565135261038421446161104441107542221731954641230281112533(241531–21–226):230-244.
Randazzo NA, Michalak AM, Desai AR. Synoptic Meteorology Explains Temperate Forest Carbon Uptake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 2020;125(2).

Year of Publication: 2019

West ME, Moore PA. Bt Proteins Exacerbate Negative Growth Effects in Juvenile Rusty (F. rusticus) Crayfish Fed Corn Diet. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2019;77(3):452-460.
Jackson KM, Moore P.. The intensity and spectrum of artificial light at night alters crayfish interactions. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. 2019;5220247204204274011950(3205621024):131-150.
Alacantara F, Weighman KK, Moore P.. Variable Background Flow on Aquatic Toxicant Exposure Alters Foraging Patterns on Crayfish. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2019;103251915567144319325011133721949183201355926353845121841975173216311174(51131111545431215):663-669.

Year of Publication: 2018

Scheuermann CM, Nave LE, Fahey RT, Nadelhoffer KJ, Gough CM. Effects of canopy structure and species diversity on primary production in upper Great Lakes forests. Oecologia. 2018;18842211098218217142537632627632815132609242981265014892535430649351639730292051897617728313279669172151496619199815257:405-415.
Wood TC, Kelley RE, Moore P.. Feeding in fear: Indirect effects of predatory fish on macrophyte communities mediated by altered crayfish foraging behaviour. Freshwater Biology. 2018;63(12)(1211311043150861421927-8214712178445510111352241-35321-4333241712910321-314563463185142610112103):1523-1533.
Curtis PS, Gough CM. Forest aging, disturbance and the carbon cycle. New Phytologist. 2018;11520893601651821063897135849211621871824561134551414214063216481771017273619659947400305.
Wyman KE, Wires LR, Cuthbert FJ. Great lakes double-crested cormorant management affects co-nester colony growth. The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2018;8217284698719535715636198275835291410371453430965182836323840:93-102.
Harrigan KM, Moore P.. Scaling to the Organism: An Innovative Model of Dynamic Exposure Hotspots in Stream Systems. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2018;74:372-394.

Year of Publication: 2017

Lishawa SC, Carson BD, Brandt JS, Tallant JM, Reo NJ, Albert DA, et al. Mechanical Harvesting Effectively Controls Young Typha spp. Invasion and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data Enhances Post-treatment Monitoring. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017;831315671683433672843319314918389302912489816422430302319361088311696037119153711652813211924193674181793422.
Neal AE, Moore P.. Mimicking natural systems: Changes in behavior as a result of dynamic exposure to naproxen. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2017;135(124):347-357.
Ludington TS, Moore P.. The Degree of Impairment of Foraging in Crayfish (Orconectes virilis) due to Insecticide Exposure is Dependent upon Turbulence Dispersion. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2017;72(2716361052241213364.210449683356):281-293.

Year of Publication: 2016

Year of Publication: 2015

Lahman SE, Moore P.. Fine-Scale Chemical Exposure Differs in Point and Nonpoint Source Plumes. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2015;68(4):729-744.
Wehr JD, Sheath RG, Kociolek JP. Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification. Vol Aquatic Ecology. Second Edition. Elsevier; 2015.
Drevnick PE, Lamborg CH, Horgan MJ. Increase in mercury in Pacific yellowfin tuna. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 2015;34:931-934.
Ewert DN, Hall KR, Smith RJ, Rodewald PG. Landbird Stopover in the Great Lakes Region: integrating habitat use and climate change in conservation. In: Wood EM, Kellermann JL, editors. Phenological synchrony and bird migration: climate change and seasonal resources in North America. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2015. 1. p. 17-46p. (Studies in Avian Biology).
TRON NA, BEUTER LI, Lakes-Harlan R. Phonotactic behaviour and vertical sound source localisation of the parasitoid fly Emblemasoma auditrix (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Ecological Entomology. 2015;40201412120951091261751872619328266103841020845175204193193581792024185108210753351941467467:707-716.
Campbell LM, Drevnick PE. Use of Catalogued Long-term Biological Collections and Samples for Determining Changes in Contaminant Exposure to Organisms. In: Blais JM, Rosen MR, Smol JP, editors. Environmental Contaminants: Using natural archives to track sources and long-term trends in pollution. Vol 18. Springer; 2015. (Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research; vol 18).

Year of Publication: 2014

Jolls CL, Whigham D.. Populations of and threats to rare plants of the herb layer: still more challenges and opportunities for conservation biologists. In: Gilliam F.S., Roberts M.R., editors. The Herbaceous Layer in Forests of Eastern North America. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2014. 1. p. 134-201p.
Edwards DD, Moore PA. Real Exposure: Field Measurement of Chemical Plumes in Headwater Streams. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2014;67:413-425.
Edwards DD, Moore P.. Real Exposure: Field Measurement of Chemical Plumes in Headwater Streams. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2014;67(3):413-425.

Year of Publication: 2013

Price JJ, Crawford CL. Use and characteristics of two singing modes in Pine Warblers. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 2013;125:552-561.

Year of Publication: 2012

Talhelm AF, Pregitzer KS, Burton AJ, Zak DR. Air pollution and the changing biogeochemistry of northern forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2012:110622071548013.
Voss EG, Reznicek A.. Field Manual of Michigan Flora. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2012.

Year of Publication: 2011

Swanston CW, Burton AJ. Carbon in northern forests. Forest Science. 2011;57:449.
Costa A.. Coupling Between the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in a Forested Environment. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University; 2011.
Walls JM, Eustice RM. Experimental comparison of synchronous-clock cooperative acoustic navigation algorithms. Proceedings of the IEEE/MTS OCEANS Conference and Exhibition. 2011:1-7.
Talhelm AF. Long-term global change effects on forest biogeochemistry in the north-central United States. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Reno, NV: University of Nevada - Reno; 2011.
Taylor K. Marginalia for a Natural History. Black Lawrence Press; 2011.
Galloway MM. Mechanisms of VOC Oxidation and Aerosol Formation: Atmospheric Organic Chemistry of Glyoxal. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Madison: University of Wisconsin, Madison; 2011.
Yuan W., Luo Y., Liang S., Yu G., Niu S., Stoy P., et al. Thermal adaptation of net ecosystem exchange. Biogeosciences. 2011;8:1453-1463.

Year of Publication: 2010

Gates DM. A History of the University of Michigan Biological Station. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 1-14p.
Gates DM. A History of the University of Michigan Biological Station 1909 - 2009. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Biological Station; 2010.
Kociolek JP, Lowe RL, Stoermer EF. Algae of Northern Michigan and the Douglas Lake Region. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 8. p. 85-92p.
Lowe RL, Pillsbury RW, Schrank AJ. Aquatic Ecosystems of Northern Michigan. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 5. p. 50-60p.
Pillsbury R. Aquatic Impacts. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 196-202p.
C. Hellquist B. Aquatic Vascular Plants. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 7. p. 77-84p.
Webb PW, Schrank AJ. Biological Station Fishes. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 132-142p.
Bertman SB. Climate Change. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 173-180p.
Karowe DN. Effects of Climate Change on Terrestrial Communities. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 188-195p.
Mikus AR. Fish Response to Velocity-Related Flow Modifications in a Warm-Water Stream. Vol Master’s of Science. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan; 2010.
Herron S. Human History. In: Nadelhoffer K, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The changing environment of northern Michigan: a century of science and nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 15-24p.
Scholtens BG. Insects: A Strength in Numbers. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 154-162p.
Lalor J. Integration of immune status, genetics, and environment in Peromyscus maniculatus gracilis. Vol Master’s of Science. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2010.
Hazlett BA, Snow AA. Invasive Species. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 181-187p.
Schaetzl RJ, Barnes BV. Landforms, Physical Landscapes, and Glacial History. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 2. p. 25-35p.
Bennett JP. Lichens in Northern Michigan. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 9. p. 93-99p.
Myers P, Lundrigan BL. Mammals. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 119-131p.
Buck WR. Mosses of Northern Michigan. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 100-108p.
Cuthbert FJ, Anderson TR, Whitmore M. Ornithology in Northern Michigan. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 109-118p.
Farrer EC. Plant-Environment Feedbacks in a Native and Invasive System. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan; 2010.
Roche EA. Population Demography of the Great Lakes Piping Plover. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota; 2010.
Heinen JT, Grant M. Reptiles and Amphibians. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 143-153p.
Nietz JG. Soil respiration during partial canopy senescence in a northern mixed deciduous forest. Vol Master’s of Science. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University; 2010.
Blankespoor HD. Swimmer’s Itch: Misguided Flatworms. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 1. p. 163-172p.
Voss EG. Terrestrial Vascular Plants. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 6. p. 61-68p.
Smith M. The Fungi. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 6. p. 69-76p.
Nadelhoffer KJ. The Future and the Biological Station. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010. 2. p. 203-206p.
Barnes BV. Vegetation History and Change, 1840-2009. In: Nadelhoffer KJ, Jr. AJHogg, Hazlett BA, editors. The Changing Environment of Northern Michigan: A Century of Science and Nature at the University of Michigan Biological Station. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press; 2010.

Year of Publication: 2009

Edburg SL. A numerical study of turbulence, dispersion, and chemistry within and above forest canopies. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Pullman, WA: Washington State University; 2009.
Bambakidis T. Changes in benthic algal community structure following an unpredictable stream-wide desiccation event. Vol Master’s of Science. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University; 2009.
Wolf MC, Martin AL, Simon JL, Bergner JL, Moore P.. Chemosensory signals in stream habitats: implications for ecological interactions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 2009;28(3):560-571.
Hottle JR. In-situ laser induced fluorescence detection and modeling of formaldehyde above a forest canopy. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin; 2009.
Eller AS. Plant Responses To A Changing Atmosphere: The Influence Of Exposure To Multiple Gases. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University; 2009.
M. Woller-Skar M. Zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) promotion of cyanobacteria in low-nutrient lakes. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University; 2009.

Year of Publication: 2008

Eustice R., Brown HC, Kim A. An overview of AUV algorithms research and testbed at the University of Michigan. In: 2008 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV)2008 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Woods Hole, MA: IEEE; 2008. 1. p. 1-9p.
Brown HC, Kim A, Eustice R. Development of a multi-AUV SLAM testbed at the University of Michigan. In: OCEANS 2008. Quebec City, QC, Canada: IEEE; 2008. 1. p. 1-6p.
Crum-Scholtens M, Williams K. Grapevine Point to Pine Point. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Biological Station; 2008.
Bump JK. Large predators, prey carcasses, resource pulses, and heterogeneity in terrestrial ecosystems. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Houghton, MI: Michigan Technological University; 2008.
Jr. AJ. Our swimmer’s itch hero. Vol August.; 2008.
Smith J. Sleuths of a changing world. Vol August.; 2008.
Fero KC. Social dominance: a behavioral mechanism for resource allocation in crayfish. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University; 2008.
Fero K., Moore P.. Social spacing of crayfish in natural habitats: what role does dominance play? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2008;62(7):1119-1125.
Tobin J. The natural world. Vol Spring 2008.; 2008.
Cuthbert FJ, Roche EA. The Piping Plover in Michigan: a 100 year perspective. Michigan Birds and Natural History. 2008;15:29-38.
Pregitzer KS. Tree root architecture - form and function. New Phytologist. 2008;180:562-564.

Year of Publication: 2007

Drevnick PE. Methylmercury in fish: accumulation, toxicity, and temporal trends. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Oxford, OH: Miami University; 2007.
Nave L. Nitrogen cycling in the northen hardwood forest: soil, plant, and atmospheric processes. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University; 2007.
de Vries T, Lakes-Harlan R. Prenatal cannibalism in an insect. Naturwissenschaften. 2007;94:477-482.
Campbell LG. Rapid evolution in a crop-weed complex (Raphanus spp.). Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University; 2007.
Fero KC, Moore PA. Social spacing of crayfish in natural habitats: what role does dominance play? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2007;62:1119-1125.
Jr. AJ. Stomatal and non-stomatal fluxes of ozone, NOx, and NOy to a northern mixed hardwood forest. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2007.

Year of Publication: 2006

Petrillo HA. Carabid Beetle Activity-Density and Diversity in Northern Hardwood Forests of Michigan. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2006.
Cotel AJ, Webb PW, Tritico H. Do brown trout choose locations with reduced turbulence? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2006;135:610-619.
Ortega J. Landscape fluxes of reactive biogenic volatile organic compounds from from United States forests. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado; 2006.
de Vries T. Sinnes- und Verhaltnesokologie der parasitoiden Fliege Emblemasoma auditrix (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Giessen, Deutschland: Justus-Liebig-Universitat Giessen; 2006.

Year of Publication: 2005

Keeler GJ, Dvonch TJ. Atmospheric Mercury: A Decade of Observations in the Great Lakes. In: Pirrone N, Mahaffey KR, editors. Dynamics of Mercury Pollution on Regional and Global Scales: Atmospheric Processes and Human Exposures Around the World. Vol XII. New York, NY: Springer; 2005. 6. p. 611-636p.
Snow AA, Campbell LG. Can feral radishes become weeds? In: Gressel J., editor. Crop Ferality and Volunteerism. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2005. 1. p. 193-208p.
Myers P, Lundrigan BL, Kopple RJ. Climate change and the distribution of Peromyscus in Michigan: Is global warming already having an impact? In: Lacey EA, Myers P, editors. Mammalian Diversification: from Chromosomes to Phylogeography (A celebration of the career of James L. Patton). Vol 133. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press; 2005. 1. p. 101-125p. (University of California Publications in Zoology; vol 133).
Smits MM. Ectomycorrhizal fungi and biogeochemical cycles of boreal forests. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen University; 2005.
Jr. AJ, Kopple RJ, Nadelhoffer K. Focus on Field Stations: University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS). Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 2005;86:49-56.
Voss EG. Gazetteer of some possibly puzzling collecting localities for Michigan plants. Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium. 2005;24:189-225.
Petrillo HA, Witter JA. Invertebrate Biodiversity in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems under Varying Disturbance Regimes. Vol Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-331. Evans CA, Lucas JA, Twery MJ, editors. Saranak Lake, NY.: US. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA; 2005.
Wund MA. Learning in the development of phenotypically plastic bat echolocation. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2005.
Wolf MC. Neural and behavioral responses to complex odor stimuli using crayfish as a model system. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University; 2005.
Pecor KW. Some aspects of the chemical ecology of the crayfish Orconectes virilis and O. rusticus. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2005.

Year of Publication: 2004

Curtis PS. Biosphere-atmosphere interactions. New Phytologist. 2004;162:3-5.
Johnston CA, Groffman P, Breshears DD, Cardon ZG, Currie W, Emanuel W, et al. Carbon cycling in soil. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2004;2:522-528.
Barbour MT, Norton SB, H. Preston R, Thornton KW. Ecological Assessment of Aquatic Resources: Linking Science to Decision-Making. University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, MI: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC); 2004.
Pressley SN. Isoprene flux measurements above a northern hardwood forest. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Spokane, WA: Washington State University; 2004.
Kummel M. Partner choice in ectomycorrhizal mutualism. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2004.
Delia AE. Real-time measurements of non-refractory particle composition and interactions at forested sites. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado; 2004.
Verbrugge LM, Rainey JJ, Reimink RL, Blankespoor HD. Swimmer’s itch: incidence and risk factors. American Journal of Publich Health. 2004;94:738-741.

Year of Publication: 2003

Lanno RP. Contaminated Soils: From Soil-Contaminant Interactions to Ecosystem. University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, MI: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC); 2003.
McGuire MA. Factors affecting the distribution of wild rice and the surrounding macrophyte community. Vol Master of Science. Oshkosh, WI: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; 2003.
Buck WR, Anderson LE. Howard Crum (1922-2002). The Bryologist. 2003;106:9-23.
Gilliam FS, Roberts MR. Interactions between the herbaceous layer and overstory canopy of eastern forests. In: Gilliam FS, Roberts MRichard, editors. The Herbaceous Layer in Forests of Eastern North America. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; 2003. 1. p. 198-223p.
Lowe RL. Keeled and canalled raphid diatoms. In: Wehr JD, Sheath RG, editors. Freshwater Algae of North America: Ecology and Classification. New York, NY: Academic Press; 2003. 6. p. 669-684p.
Ross G.. Plankton in the lower Grand River at Lowell, Michigan, 2001-2002. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 2003.
Yanca CA. The landscape ecology of Eastern White Pine in northern lower Michigan. Vol Master of Science. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2003.

Year of Publication: 2002

O’Connor RP. Ecosystem mediated succession in aspen-dominated forests of northern lower Michigan. Vol Master of Science. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2002.
Fairchild MP, Holomuzki JR. Spatial variability and assemblage structure of stream hydropsychid caddisflies. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 2002;21:576-588.
Villani M.. Turbulence and diffusion in and over a forest environment: measurements and modeling. Vol Master of Science. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University; 2002.

Year of Publication: 2001

Voss EG. A purple color form of Pitcher’s thistle. Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium. 2001;23:349-350.
Sumner AL, Shepson PB, Couch TL, Thornberry TD, Carroll MA, Sillman S, et al. A study of formaldehyde chemistry above a forest canopy. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2001;106:24,387-24,405.
. Assessing the Effects of Complex Stressors in Ecosystems. University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, MI: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC); 2001.
Hurst JM, Jr. DJ, Herrera-Gomez O, Couch TL, Shepson PB, Faloona I, et al. Investigation of the nighttime decay of isoprene. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2001;106:24,335-24,346.
Tepley AJ. Landscape Ecosystems of the Nichols Arboretum, University of Michigan. Vol Master of Science in Natural Resources and Environment. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan; 2001.
Hall KR, Maruca SL. Mapping a forest mosaic. Plant Ecology. 2001;156:105-120.
Westberg HH, Lamb BK, Hafer R, Hills AJ, Shepson PB, Vogel CS. Measurement of isoprene fluxes at the PROPHET site. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2001;106:24,347-24,358.
Thornberry TD. Observations of reactive nitrogen and ozone at a rural site in Michigan. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2001.
Nida LK. Regional patterns of microsporidian infection in two Michigan trout stream invertebrates. Vol Master of Science. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2001.
Rier ST, R. Stevenson J. Relation of environmental factors to density of epilithic lotic bacteria in 2 ecoregions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 2001;20:520-532.
Claerr KA. Sex-biased herbivory in Salix cordata Michaux and Salix exigua Nutt.: patterns and mechanisms. Vol Master of Science. Ypsilanti, MI: Eastern Michigan University; 2001.
Lee T. Systematic revision of the Sphaeriinae (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Veneroida, Sphaeriidae). Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2001.
Pinowska A. The indirect effect of sediment nutrient enrichment on the epiphytic algal community. Vol Doctor of Philosophy. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University; 2001.

Year of Publication: 2000

Witter JA, Stoyenoff JL, Yocum J., Leutscher BA. Condition of hardwood forests in Michigan: 1991-1999. Vol Technical Report 00-1. Michigan Cooperative Forest Pest Management; 2000.