Research Bibliography
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Isotopic composition of mercury deposited via snow into mid-latitude ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment. 784:147252.
2021. Exploring the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil carbon dynamics. New Phytologist. 2235(1):33-39.
2019. Chronic nitrogen deposition alters tree allometric relationships: implications for biomass production and carbon storage. Ecological Applications. 26:913-925.
2016. Atmospheric N deposition alters connectance, but not functional potential among saprotrophic bacterial communities. Molecular Ecology. 24:3170-3180.
2015. Differential responses of total and active soil microbial communities to long-term experimental N deposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 90:275-282.
2015. Soil bacterial communities are shaped by temporal and environmental filtering: evidence from a long-term chronosequence. Environmental Microbiology. :1-11.
2015. Dispersal limitation structures fungal community assembly in a long-term glacial chronosequence. Environmental Microbiology. 16:1538-1548.
2014. Trophic stability of soil oribatid mites in the face of environmental change. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 68:71-77.
2014. Chronic nitrogen deposition alters the structure and function of detrital food webs in a northern hardwood ecosystem. Ecological Applications. 23:1311-1321.
2013. Towards a molecular understanding of N cycling in northern hardwood forests under future rates of N deposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 66:130-138.
2013. Air pollution and the changing biogeochemistry of northern forests. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. :110622071548013.
2012. Chronic N deposition does not apparently alter the biochemical composition of forest floor and soil organic matter. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 54:7-13.
2012. Dispersal limitation and the assembly of soil Actinobacteria communities in a long-term chronosequence. Ecology and Evolution. 2:538-549.
2012. Microbial responses to a changing environment: implications for the future functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Fungal Ecology. 4:386-395.
2011. Simulated Atmospheric N Deposition Alters Fungal Community Composition and Suppresses Ligninolytic Gene Expression in a Northern Hardwood Forest. PLoS ONE. 6:1-10.
2011. Simulated N deposition negatively impacts sugar maple regeneration in a northern hardwood ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology. 49:155-163.
2011. Nitrogen turnover in the leaf litter and fine roots of sugar maple. Ecology. 91:3456-3462.
2010. Simulated Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Alters Actinobacterial Community Composition in Forest Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 74:1157.
2010. .
Chronic Atmospheric NO3- Deposition Does Not Induce NO3- Use by Acer saccharum Marsh.. Ecosystems. 11:469-477.
2008. Simulated atmospheric NO3- deposition increases soil organic matter by slowing decomposition. Ecological Applications. 18:2016-2027.
2008. Simulated chronic nitrogen deposition increases carbon storage in Northern Temperate forests. Global Change Biology. 14:142-153.
2008. .
Microbial cycling of C and N in northern hardwood forests receiving chronic atmospheric NO3- deposition. Ecosystems. 9:242-253.
2006. Photosynthetic responses to understory shade and elevated carbon dioxide concentration in four northern hardwood tree species. Tree Physiology. 26:1589-1599.