Catalogue of the Odonata of Michigan

TitleCatalogue of the Odonata of Michigan
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1958
AuthorsKormondy EJ
JournalMiscellaneous Publications of the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan
Pagination43 pp.

One hundred and fifty species and one subspecies, representing the Odonata that occur in Michigan, are listed. Of these nineteen taxa are recorded for the state for the first time. For each taxon distribution, season, and habitat, in whichever of the three principal regions of the state (Upper Peninsula, Northern Lower Peninsula, and Southern Lower Peninsula) it occurs, is given. Physiographical and ecological characteristics of these state divisions are discussed. I have proposed the three zoogeographical categories, Eastern, Transcontinental, and Western, and have analyzed the Michigan odonate fauna according to this system. In the Introduction aspects of the history of odonatology in Michigan are reviewed and several papers dealing with the Michigan dragonflies are discussed.