Research Bibliography
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Effects of experimental harvesting of an invasive hybrid cattail on wetland structure and function. Restoration Ecology. 27:389-398.
2019. European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) invasion facilitated by non-native cattails (Typha) in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 45(5):912-920.
2019. Invasive cattail reduces fish diversity and abundance in the emergent marsh of a Great Lakes coastal wetland. Journal of Great Lakes Research.
2019. Invasive species removal increases species and phylogenetic diversity of wetland plant communities. Ecology and Evolution. 678
2019. Submerged harvest reduces invasive Typha and increases soil macronutrient availability. Plant and Soil. 442(1):157-167.
2019. Harvesting invasive plants to reduce nutrient loads and produce bioenergy: an assessment of Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Ecosphere. (6Supplement 1Supplement C):e02320.
2018. Mechanical Harvesting Effectively Controls Young Typha spp. Invasion and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data Enhances Post-treatment Monitoring. Frontiers in Plant Science. 831315671683433672843319314918389302912489816422430302319361088311696037119153711652813211924193674181793422
2017. Typha invasion associated with reduced aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance in northern Lake Huron coastal wetlands. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 42:1412-1419.
2016. Biomass harvest of invasive Typha promotes plant diversity in a Great Lakes coastal wetland. Restoration Ecology. :1-10.
2015. Herbicide management of invasive cattail (Typha × glauca) increases porewater nutrient concentrations. Wetlands Ecology and Management.
2015. Denitrification in a Laurentian Great Lakes coastal wetland invaded by hybrid cattail (Typha × glauca). Aquatic Sciences. 76:483-495.
2014. Reconstructing plant invasions using historical aerial imagery and pollen core analysis: Typha in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Diversity and Distributions. 19:14-28.
2013. Appropriation of nitrogen by the invasive cattail Typha×glauca. Aquatic Botany. 100:62-66.
2012. Mechanisms of dominance by the invasive hybrid cattail Typha × glauca. Biological Invasions. 14
2012. .