Moths of the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan Counties), Michigan. I. Sphingidae-Ctenuchidae (Lepidoptera)

TitleMoths of the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan Counties), Michigan. I. Sphingidae-Ctenuchidae (Lepidoptera)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1969
AuthorsVoss EG
JournalMichigan Entomologist

For more than 60 years, workers at the UMBS have been concerned with the flora and fauna of the "Douglas Lake Region" – now generally defined, for ease of boundaries as Emmet and Cheboygan counties, which share the northern tip of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. In 1915, Paul S. Welch published a list of Lepidoptera taken in the immediate vicinity of Douglas Lake, based on collections made from 1911 to 1913. The list includes 16 species in the families here considered (those before the Noctuidae in most checklists). A somewhat larger number of species, 55, were attributed to one (usually Cheboygan) or both of these counties in Moore’s list of the moths of Michigan (1955) – a few of them credited solely on the bsis of Welch’s list. I am now able to list 73 species in these families, all represented by extant specimens, and it seems well to assemble the information into compact form, as has been done for the butterflies (Voss, 1954, supplemented by Voss & Wagner, 1956). Additional species will certainly turn up in future years, in the field or in unexamined collections. The list which follows is based chiefly on my own collection (kept at Mackinaw City, Michigan), which consists largely of Emmet County material collected from 1944 to 1949, with a larger percentage of Cheboygan County material from 1950 onwards - although there have been several years in which I have been unable to devote time to insect collecting. Except when only data to the contrary are cited, all species listed are represented in my collection from the region considered. The collection of the UMBS, at Douglas Lake, has provided a number of good records. I have also examined the collections in the Museum of Zoology of UM (UMMZ) and the Department of Entomology, MSU; both of these, particularly the former, have added information. I am grateful to the late Dr. H. B. Hungerford for the opportunity to examine in detail the Biological Station collection in 1950 and to Dr. R. E. Beer for recent use of that collection and for the opportunity to examine a number of the collections made by his students, and to the several curators and correspondents who have aided with additional data, especially Julian P. Donahue, M. C. Nielsen, and John H. Newman. In this listing, the nomenclature and sequence of species are based on several standard authorities. The Sphingidae follow McDunnough (1938); the Saturniidae (including Citheroniidae) follow the classification of Michener (1952); the Arctiidae and related small families follow Forbes (1960) except for Holomelina, which follows Carde (1965). A few synonyms from these publications are given in brackets. Species for which I have recorded authentic Emmet or Cheboygan county records are numbered in sequence, followed by listing of the county or counties and inclusive dates for earliest and latest records in the two-county region. A few additional records from northern Michigan counties have been added when they seem worthy of note. The vast majority of captures have been made at light. Most of the Emmet County records were taken at incandescent light at Mackinaw City, and most of the Cheboygan County captures were made at the Biological Station (carbon arc light through 1961; mercury vapor light from 1962 to date). Too little work has been done on rearing, and a few attempts at "sugaring" have been singularly unproductive.