Research Bibliography
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Studies on schistosome dermatitis X. Distribution and epidemiology in Michigan. American Journal of Hygiene. 47:259-270.
1948. The life cycles of three dermatitis-producing cercariae (Trematoda: Schistosomatidae). Journal of Parasitology. 28:13-14.
1942. Methods of investigation on the life cycles of avian schistosomes. Journal of Parasitology. 28:13.
1942. Swimmer’s itch. Trained Nurse and Hospital Review. 108:422-425.
1942. The distribution and control of schistosome dermatitis in Wisconsin and Michigan. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 21:725-729.
1941. Larval trematode infection in juveniles and adults of Physa parkeri Currier. Journal of Parasitology. 27:123-141.
1941. .
1941. Recent studies on schistosome dermatitis in the United States. Revista de Medicina Tropical y Parasitologia, Bacteriologia, Clinica y Laboratorio. 6:55-64.
1940. Studies on schistosome dermatitis. VII. Seasonal incidence of Cercaria stagnicolae Talbot, 1936, in relation to the life cycle of its snail host, Stagnicola emarginata angulata (Sowerby). American Journal of Hygiene. 32:33-69.
1940. Water itch. Distribution in Michigan and observations on its control. Michigan Stream Control Commission. :7-19.
1940. Water itch. Its cause, prevention and control. Michigan Stream Control Commission. :1-4.
1940. A study of larval trematode infections in Helisoma campanulatum smithii (Baker) in the Douglas Lake region, Michigan. Journal of Parasitology. 25:19-22.
1939. Notes on the morphology and life cycles of four North American cercariae. Livro Jubilar Professor Travassos. :229-306.
1938. Observations on precocious metacercarial development in the trematode superfamily Plagiorchioidea. Journal of Parasitology. 24:273-280.
1938. A discussion of the taxonomy of the family Plagiorchiidae Luhe, 1901, and related trematodes. Journal of Parasitology. 23:244-258.
1937. Ecological studies on the cercariae in Stagnicola emarginata angulata (Sowerby) in the Douglas Lake region, Michigan. Journal of Parasitology. 23:504-532.
1937. An experimental infection of Plagiorchis muris in man. Journal of Parasitology. 23:113-115.
1937. The life histories of three trematodes, parasitic in birds and mammals, belonging to the genus Plagiorchis. Journal of Parasitology. 23:235-243.
1937. A note on the life history of Mosesia chordeilesia n. sp. (Lecithodendriidae). Journal of Parasitology. 22:295-298.
1936. A note on the staining of the excretory system of trematodes. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 55:513-515.
1936. Double infestations of snails with the cercariae of digenetic trematodes. Journal of Parasitology. 21:433(Abstr.
1935. The life cycle and a discussion of the systematics of the turtle trematode, Eustomos chelydrae. Journal of Parasitology. 21:52-53.
1935. The life histories and classification of two allocreadiid-like plagiorchids from fish, Macroderoides typicus (Winfield) and Alloglossidium corti (Lamont). Journal of Parasitology. 21:369-380.
1935. A note on the life history of Mosesia chordeilesia n. sp. (Lecithodendriidae). Journal of Parasitology. 21:434(Abstr.
1935. A note on the relationship of the Telorchinae and Reniferinae. Journal of Parasitology. 21:217-219.