Moths of the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan counties), Michigan: VI. Miscellaneous small families (Lepidoptera)

TitleMoths of the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan counties), Michigan: VI. Miscellaneous small families (Lepidoptera)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsVoss EG
JournalGreat Lakes Entomologist

Forty-seven species in nine families of Lepidoptera (Hepialidae, Psychidae, Alucitidae, Sesiidae, Cossidae, Limacodidae, Thyrididae, Pterophoridae, Epiplemidae) are listed with earliest and latest recorded flight dates in Emmet and Cheboygan counties, which share the northern tip of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. The records are from the principal institutional and private collections of Michigan moths and continue the documented listing of Lepidoptera in the region.