Probing the delicate balance: Research at the Biological Station

TitleProbing the delicate balance: Research at the Biological Station
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1972
AuthorsHalpern JW
JournalResearch News, Office of Research Administration, The University of Michigan

The University of Michigan Biological Station was established in 1909 at Douglas Lake near Pellston, Michigan as a teaching and research facility. It has provided biological field experience to over 5,000 students including Thomas Weller and James B. Watson, who later won Nobel prizes in physiology and medicine. Its faculty, represented during the first half of the century by such outstanding scientists as Charles W. Creaser, William W. Cort, Frank E. Eggleton, John H. Ehlers, Frank C. Gates, Herbert B. Hungerford, Carl D. La Rue, George R. La Rue, George E. Nichols, Alfred H. Stockard, and Paul S. Welch, has conducted research resulting in over 1,300 scientific publications. As the largest and one of the most distinguished inland biological stations in the world, its impact on biological science has been impressive.