Research Bibliography
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Germinal development in the sporocysts of a bird schistosome Trichobilharzia physellae (Talbot, 1936). Journal of Parasitology. 41:1-16.
1955. Further studies on the germinal development in the sporocysts of a bird schistosome, Trichobilharzia stagnicolae (Talbot, 1936). Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 21:97-106.
1954. Germ cell cycle of Megalodiscus temperatus (Stafford, 1905) Harwood, 1932 (Paramphistomidae: Trematoda). The American Midlands Naturalist. 51:172-202.
1954. Germinal development in the sporocysts and rediae of the digenetic trematodes. Experimental Parasitology. 3:185-225.
1954. Germinal development in the sporocysts of the blood flukes of turtles. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 21:85-96.
1954. The early development of the daughter sporocysts of the Strigeoidea (Trematoda). Journal of Parasitology. 39:38-44.
1953. Further studies on the early development of the daughter sporocysts of Schistosomatium douthitti. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 20:43-49.
1953. Studies on the miracidium of the genus Trichobilharzia with special reference to the germinal cells. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 20:40-42.
1953. Development of the mother and daughter sporocysts of a snake plagiorchioid, Lechriorchis primus (Trematoda: Reniferidae). Journal of Parasitology. 36:187-202.
1952. Development of the mother sporocyst and rediae of Paragonimus kellicotti Ward, 1908. Journal of Parasitology. 37:395-404.
1951. Early developmental stages of strigeid mother sporocysts. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 18:5-9.
1951. Development of the mother and daughter sporocysts of a snake plagiorchiid, Lechriorchis primus. Journal of Parasitology. 36:14(Abstr.
1950. Germ cell cycle of Megalodiscus temperatus (Stafford, 1905) Harwood, 1932. Journal of Parasitology. 36:14(Abstr.
1950. The germinal development in the daughter rediae of an ophthalmo-xiphidiocercaria from Pomatiopsis lapidaria. Journal of Parasitology. 36:548-551.
1950. Germinal development in the early stages of the mother sporocyst and rediae of Paragonimus kellicotti. Journal of Parasitology. 36:14(Abstr.
1950. Germinal development in the heterophyid, Euryhelmis monorchis Ameel, 1938. Journal of Parasitology. 36:427-432.
1950. The germinal mass in the rediae of Triganodistomum mutabile (Cort) (Trematoda: Lissorchiidae). Journal of Parasitology. 36:145-151.
1950. Germinal material in the rediae of Clinostomum marginatum (Rudolphi). Journal of Parasitology. 36:157-163.
1950. Germinal development in the mother sporocyst and redia of Halipegus eccentricus Thomas, 1939. Journal of Parasitology. 35:569-578.
1949. Germinal masses in redial embryos of an echinostome and a psilostome. Journal of Parasitology. 35:579-582.
1949. Multiplication of germinal cells in rediae of Clinostomum marginatum. Journal of Parasitology. 35:29-30.
1949. Germinal material in rediae of two species of trematodes from Pomatiopsis lapidaria. Journal of Parasitology. 34:16(Abstr.
1948. Studies on the germinal development in rediae of the trematode order Fasciolatoidea Szidat, 1936. Journal of Parasitology. 34:428-451.
1948. Germinal masses in the rediae of the trematode order Fasciolatoidea Szidat, 1936. Journal of Parasitology. 33:17-18(Abstr.
1947. Germinal material in mother sporocysts and rediae of Halipegus eccentricus Thomas, 1939. Journal of Parasitology. 33:18(Abstr.