Understanding the Benefits of Residential Field Courses: The Importance of Class Learning Goal Orientation and Class Belonging

TitleUnderstanding the Benefits of Residential Field Courses: The Importance of Class Learning Goal Orientation and Class Belonging
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsShaulskiy S, Jolley A, Connell K’
Secondary AuthorsCorwin L
JournalCBE—Life Sciences Education
Date PublishedJan-09-2022

While previous literature finds many benefits to participation in undergraduate field courses, the mechanisms for how these benefits develop is still unknown. This study explores these mechanisms and any unique benefits of field courses by examining results from pre and post surveys about scientific literacy, future science plans, and motivation and belonging for undergraduate students who took courses in one field station setting (n = 249) and one traditional on-campus setting (n = 118). We found positive associations between the field station setting and scientific literacy as well as future science plans. In addition, this study finds support for the serial and multiple mediation of class learning goal orientation and class belonging in explaining the relationships between the field station setting and scientific literacy as well as future science plans. The results of this study have implications for enhancing field course design and increasing access and inclusion.

Short TitleLSE
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