Regulation of brood size in a burying beetle, Nicrophorus tomentosus (Silphidae)

TitleRegulation of brood size in a burying beetle, Nicrophorus tomentosus (Silphidae)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsTrumbo ST
JournalJournal of Insect Behavior

Regulation of brood size in a biparental burying beetle, Nicrophorus tomentosus Weber, was studied by providing pairs with one of two sizes of mouse carcasses in the laboratory. For a given carcass size, there was an inverse relationship between number and mass offspring in a brood. The requirement for regulation was that brood size was adjusted such that mean mass of individual larvae was constant for carcasses of different size. Brood size was regulated if parents were present but regulation did not occur if parents were removed prior to hatching of larvae. Pairs bred in quick succession on two carcasses raised fewer than the regulated number of young in the second reproductive attempt. Reasons for regulation of brood size in this genus are discussed.