Piping plover nesting in August

TitlePiping plover nesting in August
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1959
AuthorsJr. OSewall Pet
JournalJack Pine Warbler

While walking along the beach at Waugoshance Point, Wilderness State Park, Emmet County, Michigan, on August 4, 1959, my ornithology class and I suddenly noticed a Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) vigorously feigning injury a few feet in front of us. We began a thorough search, fully expecting - in view of the intensity of the bird’s behavior and the lateness of the season - that we would find chicks crouching near us. Instead we found a nest with four eggs, all pipped and probably within 24 hours of hatching. Our latest breeding record, prior to the above nest, comprised an adult with four chicks, estimated to be about four days old, found by my class and me at Waugoshance Point on August 2 (1955). This record was also the latest of the known breeding records of the Piping Plover in Michigan (see "Summer Distribution of the Piping Plover in Michigan" by Betty Darling Cottrille, 1957, Jack-Pine Warbler, 35: 26-33).