Invertebrate Biodiversity in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems under Varying Disturbance Regimes

TitleInvertebrate Biodiversity in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems under Varying Disturbance Regimes
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2005
AuthorsPetrillo HA, Witter JA
EditorEvans CA, Lucas JA, Twery MJ
Conference NameBeech Bark Disease: Proceedings of the Beech Bark Disease Symposium
VolumeGen. Tech. Rep. NE-331
Date Published2004 June 16-18
PublisherUS. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, Newtown Square, PA
Conference LocationSaranak Lake, NY.

During 2003-2005 we are investigating the effects of forest type, forest stand characteristics, beech bark disease (BBD) and mechanical thinning on the biodiversity of ground-dwelling arthropods in northern hardwood stands in Michigan. This study is also examining the relationship between downed woody debris and invertebrate biodiversity within a forest stand. The goal of this research is to help explain the complex relationships and interactions between ground-dwelling arthropods, forest stand characteristics, and disturbances in Michigan’s northern hardwood forests. Specific research questions being asked include: (1) What is the relationship between downed woody debris and ground- dwelling arthropod diversity?, (2) What is the relationship between forest type and ground-dwelling arthropod diversity? and (3) What is the effect of BBD and thinning on biodiversity of ground-dwelling arthropods? We are collecting ground-dwelling arthropods using unbaited pitfall traps in 48 northern hardwood stands in Michigan based on forest type, presence/ absence of mechanical thinning, and presence/ absence of BBD. Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), camel crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae) and sowbugs (Crustacea: Isopoda) are identified to the species level and are the focal groups of this study. All other ground-dwelling arthropods are grouped and quantified by taxonomic group. A better understanding of the factors affecting diversity of ground-dwelling arthropods is important for management, conservation and the preservation of biological diversity.