Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. X. Notes on some species of Physoderma occurring in Douglas Lake region of northern Michigan

TitleObservations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. X. Notes on some species of Physoderma occurring in Douglas Lake region of northern Michigan
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1961
AuthorsJr. FKSparrow
JournalPapers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters

In the course of an extensive survey of members of the Physodermataceae occurring in the vicinity of UMBS at Douglas Lake, species of Physoderma have been encountered on a wide variety of hosts. Some of these have already been reported. The present paper records the occurrence in the same area of others, at least two of which may be ascribed to already recognized species of earlier authors, two are described as new, and the rest are merely described but not named because certain essential features of their morphology are not as yet known. It is likely that some of the latter may be shown in the future to be distinct species. At the moment, however, the delineation of species of Physoderma is a difficult task so that it has seemed best to proceed with caution not only in identifying our fungi with know species but also in establishing new ones.