High-gradient streams of the Appalachians

TitleHigh-gradient streams of the Appalachians
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsJ. Wallace B, Webster JR, Lowe RL
EditorHackney CT, S. Adams M, Martin WA
Book TitleBiodiversity of the Southeastern United States: Aquatic Communities
Pagination133-191 of 779
PublisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
CityNew York, NY

The major objectives of this chapter are to (1) synthesize our current knowledge relative to the biotic structure and function of high-gradient streams in the Southeast; (2) identify factors that control or regulate biotic structure and function in these systems; (3) evaluate the impact of various management (and mismanagement) practics on the biota of streams within the region; and, (4) address immediate and long-term research needs for high-gradient streams.