Research Bibliography

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White DS.  1993.  Perspectives on defining and delineating hyporheic zones. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 12:61-69.
White DS, Hendricks SPatricia, Fortner SL.  1992.  Groundwater-surface water interactions and the distributions of aquatic macrophytes. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Ground Water Ecology. :247-255.
White DS, Elzinga CH, Hendricks SPatricia.  1987.  Temperature patterns within the hyporheic zone of a northern Michigan river. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 6:85-91.
Winnell MH, White DS.  1986.  The distribution of Heterotrissocladius oliveri Saether (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Lake Michigan. Hydrobiologia. 131:205-214.
White DS.  1986.  Sediments and benthos. Principals and Practices of Pond Aquaculture. :15-20.
White DS, Doyen J.T, Brigham W.U.  1984.  Aquatic Coleoptera. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, pp. .. :361-437.
Krezoski JR, Robbins JA, White DS.  1984.  Dual radiotracer measurement of zoobenthos-mediated solute and particle transport in freshwater sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89:7937-7947.
Winnell MH, White DS.  1984.  Ecology of shallow and deep water populations of Pontoporeia hoyi (Smith) (Amphipoda) in Lake Michigan. Freshwater Invertebrate Biology. 3:118-138.
Batac-Catalan Z, White DS.  1984.  Effect of chromium on larval Chironomidae as determined by the optical-fiber light-interrruption biomonitoring system. Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Sixth Symposium. Special Technical Publication 802:469-481.
White DS, Pringle CMann.  1984.  Field centers: 2. The University of Michigan Biological Station. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society. 1:71-73.
Robbins JA, Husby-Coupland K, White DS.  1984.  Precise radiotracer measurement of the rate of sediment reworking by Stylodrilus heringianus and the effects of variable dissolved oxygen concentrations. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 10:335-347.