Temperature effects on kinetics of microbial respiration and net nitrogen and sulfur mineralization

TitleTemperature effects on kinetics of microbial respiration and net nitrogen and sulfur mineralization
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsMacDonald NW, Zak DR, Pregitzer KS
JournalSoil Science Society of America Journal

{Global climate change may impact the cycling of C, N, and S in forest ecosystems because increased soil temperatures could alter rates of microbially mediated processes. We studied the effects of temperature on microbial respiration and net N and S mineralization in surface soils from four northern hardwood forests in the Great Lakes region. Soil samples were incubated in the laboratory at five temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 C) for 32 wk. Headspace gas was analyzed for CO2-C at 2-wk intervals, and soils were extracted to determine inorganic N and S. Cumulative respired C and mineralized N and S increased with temperature at all sites and were strongly related (r2 = 0.67 to 0.90, significant at P = 0.001) to an interaction between temperature and soil organic C. Production of respired C and mineralized N was closely fit by first-order kinetic models (r2 >= 0.94