Research Bibliography

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Cook DR.  1971.  North American species of the genus Hydrochoreutes (Acarina: Pionidae). Michigan Entomologist. 3:108-117.
Cook DR.  1960.  Water mites of the genus Piona in the United States (Acarina: Pionidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 53:35-60.
Cook DR.  1959.  Studies on the Thyasinae of North America. The American Midlands Naturalist. 62:402-428.
Cook DR.  1955.  Preliminary list of the Arrenuri of Michigan. Part III. The subgenera Micruracarus and Truncaturus. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 74:60-67.
Cook DR.  1955.  Preliminary studies of the Hydracarina of Michigan: the subfamily Foreliinae Viets (Acarina: Pionidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 48:299-307.
Cook DR.  1955.  Two new genera of Hydracarina from a spring in northern Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 53:412-418.
Cook DR.  1953.  Marshallothyas, a new genus belonging to the subfamily Thyasinae (Acarina, Hydracarina). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 55:305-308.