Protozoan colonization rates and trophic status of some freshwater wetland lakes

TitleProtozoan colonization rates and trophic status of some freshwater wetland lakes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1984
AuthorsHenebry MS, Jr. JCairns
JournalJournal of Protozoology

{Primary productivity, chlorophyll a, phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients, and other chemical and physical parameters were measured in 13 wetland lakes in northern lower Michigan. These lakes included several examples located in each of the four major wetland types–bogs, fens, marshes, and swamps. Of the four types, the brown-colored waters of the acid bog lakes generally had the highest levels of primary producitivity, chlorophyll a, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Primary productivity correlated positively with water color, total-N, and NH3-N (<=0.05). By these measures, waters of the bogs were the most eutrophic of the four types of wetland lakes. These findings would seem to contradict the generally-held concept that "dystrophic" bog lakes are extremely oligotrophic. Protozoan colonization of artificial substrate islands was monitored at each wetland site. The correlation between protozoan colonization rates (G values in the MacArthur-Wilson noninteractive model) and primary productivity, measured by 24-h light and dark bottle incubations, was significant at the 95% confidence level (r=0.850