Research Bibliography
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Analysis of coherent structures and atmosphere-canopy coupling strength during the CABINEX field campaign. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11:11921-11936.
2011. Isoprene suppression of new particle formation in a mixed deciduous forest. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 11:6013-6027.
2011. The use of disjunct eddy sampling methods for the determination of ecosystem level fluxes of trace gases. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 9:981-994.
2009. Stomatal and non-stomatal fluxes of ozone to a northern mixed hardwood forest. Tellus B. 59:514-525.
2007. Long-term isoprene flux measurements above a northern hardwood forest. Journal of Geophysical Research. 110:12pp.
2005. Isoprene flux measurements above a northern hardwood forest. Doctor of Philosophy:164pp..