The University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) was founded in 1909.
Notes on the subsection Crassotunicatinae and other species of Russula
Title | Notes on the subsection Crassotunicatinae and other species of Russula |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1970 |
Authors | Shaffer RL |
Journal | Lloydia |
Volume | 33 |
Pagination | 49-96 |
Keywords | SPECIES |
Abstract | This paper presents a taxonomic treatment of the exclusively North American subsection Crassotunicatinae of Russula sect. Ingratae. There follow descriptions and discussions of North American material of 16 additional species from various sections of the genus: R. simillima, R. variata, R. aeruginea, R. galochroa, R. basifurcata, R. vesca, R. brunneola, R. peckii, R. purpureomaculata sp. nov., R. brunneoviolacea, R. krombholzii. nom. nov. (=R. stropurpurea (Kromb.) Britz. 1893 non Pk. 1888), R. fragilis, R. paludosa, R. velenovskyi, R. aurantiolutea, and R. adulterina. |