Focus on Field Stations: University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS)

TitleFocus on Field Stations: University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsJr. AJHogg, Kopple RJVande, Nadelhoffer K
JournalBulletin of the Ecological Society of America

As the University of Michigan Biological Station prepares to celebrate its centenary in 2008, we look forward to integrating our research and teaching programs more closely, and to actively involving students at all levels in field studies of organisms, ecological processes, and ecosystem-climate interactions. As we move into the 21st century and towards our second hundred years as a field station, we will increasingly rely on long-term databases and the knowledge of organisms and local ecological communities to define and inform our linked teaching and research activities. Courses are being designed that will incorporate new environmental sensing technologies, modeling tools, natural history information, and crossdisciplinary activities into our field-based curriculum. We aim to provide current and future students with skills and tools that will enable them to identify key ecological questions and to solve environmental problems associated with increased human activities, changes in ecological communities and ecosystems, and climate change.