Ecological Assessment of Aquatic Resources: Linking Science to Decision-Making

TitleEcological Assessment of Aquatic Resources: Linking Science to Decision-Making
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2004
AuthorsBarbour MT, Norton SB, H. Preston R, Thornton KW
Conference NamePellston Workshop on Ecological Assessment of Aquatic Resources: Applications, Implementations, and Communications: 16-21 September 2000
Pagination272 pp.
PublisherSociety of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
Conference LocationUniversity of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, MI

"We do ecological assessments all the time by using physical, chemical, and biological indicators obtained from monitoring programs and networks. They aren’t risk assessments, but they are assessments nonetheless, and the information is valuable for water quality managers. However, oftentimes, the information is overlooked by decision-makers." As Ron Preston presented his case to Michael Barbour and Kent Thornton on why it would be useful to document some of the guidelines and rules of thumb that are used in conducting ecological assessments (EAs), it became apparent he was right. A document had recently been issued in the Federal Register, based on almost a decade of research and discussion. EAs had been conducted for decades; yet, there was not a similar set of integrated guidleines available for researchers, managers, and administrators. A proposal was submitted to SETAC to organize and fund a Pellston Workshop to develop guidelines for communicating the application and process of EAs to decision-makers.