Depth distribution of seven species of gastropods in Douglas Lake, Michigan

TitleDepth distribution of seven species of gastropods in Douglas Lake, Michigan
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1984
AuthorsLaman TG, N. Boss C, Blankespoor HD
JournalThe Nautilus

Variations in the depth distribution and size of operculate and pulmonate gastropod populations were studied in Douglas Lake, Michigan. The species studied, in order of decreasing abundance, were: Helisoma campanulata, Campeloma decisum, Goniobasis livescens, H. anceps, Lymnaea catascopium, Physa integra, and P. parkeri. Peak densities occurred at 0.5 m for G. livescens, 3 m for C. decisum, 6 m for H. campanulata, H. anceps, L. catascopium, and P. integra, and 9 m for P. parkeri. Helisoma campanulata were found at greater depths as water temperatures rose. Decreases in population size occurred for H. anceps, L. catascopium, P. integra, and P. parkeri while an increase occurred for C. decisum.