Research Bibliography
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Nonpedogenetic texture bands in outwash sands of Michigan: their origin, and influence on tree growth. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 34:134-136.
1970. Cary-Port Huron Interstade: evidence from a buried bryophyte bed, Cheboygan County, Michigan. Geological Society of America Special Paper 123. INQUA Volume:249-262.
1969. Means and effects of manipulating soil water in forests. Forest Fertilization: Theory and Practice. Symposium on Forest Fertilization, April 1967, at Gainesville, Florida. :10-15.
1968. Water deficits and growth of trees. Water Deficits and Plant Growth. :191-254.
1968. Refinement in empirical functions for realistic soil moisture regimes under forest cover. International Symposium on Forest Hydrology. :261-274.
1967. Refining correlations of water deficits and radial growth in young red pine. Ecology. 48:525-530.
1967. The frond size of bracken fern on forested outwash sand in northern lower Michigan. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 30:520-524.
1966. Moisture release characteristics of forested sand entisols in northern Michigan. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings. 30:646-649.
1966. A procedure for calculating daily moisture stress and its utility in regressions of tree growth on weather. Ecology. 47:64-74.
1966. Soils and wood quality within an annual ring. Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters. :p.187.
1966. Effect of pruning the parent root on growth of aspen suckers. Ecology. 46:373-375.
1965. The clonal concept in aspen site relations. Proceedings of the Second North American Forest Soils Conference.
1964. Clonal variation in suckering of aspen obscures effect of various clearcutting treatments. Journal of Forestry. 62:749-750.
1964. Earlywood-latewood features of red pine grown under simulated drought and irrigation. Forest Science. 10:361-370.
1964. Shoot and needle responses of 20-year-old red pine to current soil moisture regimes. Forest Science. 9:497-506.