Morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of Michigan Rhabdocoeles

TitleMorphology, taxonomy, and distribution of Michigan Rhabdocoeles
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1953
AuthorsHazen WE
DegreeDoctor of Philosophy
Number of Pages114 pp.
UniversityUniversity of Michigan
CityAnn Arbor, MI
Thesis Typemasters
  1. The Rhabdocoela of Michigan were studied over a period of nearly three years, field work lasting throughout 1951, 1952, and in the spring of 1953. Collections were made at 28 localities, ten in the vicinity of the University of Michigan Biological Station near the northern tip of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, and 18 in the general vicinity of Ann Arbor, in southeastern Michigan. 2. Previoius work on North Americna rhabdocoeles is summarized. 3. Methods of collecting, preserving and culturing rhabdocoeles are given. 4. A taxonomic key to the genera known to occur on the continent is included. To this key is appended a conspectus of the genera. 5. The taxonomy, distribution, and aspects of the biology of 36 species are treated.