Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
New records of vascular plants from the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan Counties), Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 42:3-34.
1957. A new species of Physoderma on Dulichium. Mycologia. 49:298-299.
1957. Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. VII. A Physoderma on Lycopus americanus. American Journal of Botany. 44:661-665.
1957. Observations on the Michigan flora. VI. Distribution records of some angiosperms new, rare, or misinterpreted in the state. Brittonia. 9:83-101.
1957. Ostracoda (Crustacea) from the northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 76:212-218.
1957. Polyembryony in Hierochloe odorata (L.) Beauv. The Ohio Academy of Science. 57:315-320.
1957. The relation of phytoplankton periodicity to the nature of the physico-chemical environment with special reference to phosphorus. II. Seasonal and vertical distribution of the phytoplankton in relation to the environment. The American Midlands Naturalist. 57:334-370.
1957. The relation of phytoplankton periodicity to the nature of the physico-chemical environment with special reference to phosphorus. I. Morphometrical, physical and chemical conditions. The American Midlands Naturalist. 57:300-333.
1957. Simplified computations for the dynamic height method of current determination in lakes. Limnology and Oceanography. 2:155-157.
1957. Soil-plant relationships and plant nutrition. American Journal of Botany. 44:67-73.
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1957. Studies on the vertical distribution of breeding birds with reference to the vegetation. Jack Pine Warbler. 35:119-124.
1957. The summer birds of Wilderness State Park, Michigan. Jack Pine Warbler. 35:43-63.
1957. A survey of the mammalian family Soricidae (Shrews). Saugetierkundliche Mitteilungen. 5:18-27.
1957. Variations in infections of Diplostomum flexicaudum (Cort and Brooks, 1928) in small intermediate hosts of different sizes. Journal of Parasitology. 43:221-232.
1957. Additions to the phycomycete flora of the Douglas Lake region. II. New chytridiaceous fungi. Mycologia. 48:270-277.
1956. Additions to the phycomycete flora of the Douglas Lake region. III. A new species of Scherffeliomyces. Mycologia. 47:433-438.
1956. The bryophytes of certain limestone sinks in Alpena County, Michigan. The Bryologist. 59:12-17.
1956. Contribution a la theorie des feuillets cellulaires hepatiques. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 34:178-181.
1956. Currents and water masses of Lake Huron. :101pp..
1956. A diploid variety in the Cystopteris fragilis complex. Rhodora. 58:79-87.
1956. A dynamic height method for the determination of currents in deep lakes. Limnology and Oceanography. 1:150-161.
1956. The ecology of river algae. The Botanical Review. 22:291-341.
1956. Environmental factors affecting distribution of mayfly nymphs in Douglas Lake, Michigan. Ecology. 37:568-576.
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