Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Myrtle Warbler feigns injury. Jack Pine Warbler. 36:27.
1958. Nesting of the Red-eyed Vireo in the Douglas Lake Region, Michigan. Jack Pine Warbler. 36:105-130;185-207.
1958. A new megascolecid earthworm from Michigan with notes on its biology. The Ohio Academy of Science. 58:270-272.
1958. New species and varieties of Clitocybe from Michigan. Mycologia. 50:37-51.
1958. Notes on the birds of the Straits Region, Michigan. Jack Pine Warbler. 36:7-11.
1958. Observations on a nesting of the Black-throated Blue Warbler. Jack Pine Warbler. 36:12-16.
1958. The production of cercariae by a strigeid mother sporocyst. Journal of Parasitology. 44:289-291.
1958. The relation of bird song to music. Ibis. 100:421-445.
1958. Review of the genus Homaliadelphus. The Bryologist. 61:68-78.
1958. A revision of the subgenus Melanonemotelus of America north of Mexico (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). The University of Kansas Science Bulletin. 38:1351-1391.
1958. Ring-billed Gulls hawking may-flies. Jack Pine Warbler. 36:154.
1958. Some biological principles applicable to song-behavior. The Wilson Bulletin. 70:41-56.
1958. Some effects of prescribed burning following clear-cutting in poor site aspen. Master of Science:53pp..
1958. Some effects of prescribed burning following clear-cutting in poor aspen site. School of Natural Resources. Masters of Forestry
1958. A study of Physoderma dulichii Johns. Doctor of Philosophy:111pp..
1958. A technique for controlling the time of daily spawning and collecting of eggs of the zebra fish, Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton-Buchanan). Copeia. 1958:328-330.
1958. Unusual nesting of the Caspian Tern. Jack Pine Warbler. 36:183-184.
1958. Variation in the Spiraea alba-latifolia complex. Doctor of Philosophy:124pp..
1958. Algal pits on marginal areas of the Ice Cap, northwestern Greenland. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 38:79(abstr.
1957. An analysis of the trematode genus Allocreadium Looss with the description of Allocreadium neotenicum sp. nov. from water beetles. Journal of Parasitology. 43:136-142.
1957. The cercarial type in the genus Allocreadium. Journal of Parasitology. 43:35(Abstr.
1957. Comparative morphology of miracidia in the Gorgoderidae. Journal of Parasitology. 43:35.
1957. Filago arvensis in Michigan: A second North American record. Rhodora. 55:228.
1957. The genus Hypnodon and its allies. The Bryologist. 60:299-310.
1957. .