Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Nectar biology and pollinator attraction in the north temperate climate. The Biology of Social Insects. :19-23.
1982. A new green alga, Coelastrum costatum var. schmidlei, and a review of costate Coelastrum species. Michigan Botanist. 21:141-143.
1982. Parental care and reproductive ecology of the North American catfish, Ictalurus nebulosus. Doctor of Philosophy:160pp..
1982. Plants and environment. Ecology. 63:1612-1613.
1982. Population responses of plant-associated invertebrates to foraging by largemouth bass fry (Micropterus salmoides). Hydrobiologia. 96:169-176.
1982. Post-Glacial Vegetation of Eastern Upper Michigan. Doctor of Philosophy
1982. Predictive and reactive systems for aquatic ecosystem quality control. Scientific Basis of Water-Resource Management, Geophysics Study Commission, National Resource Council. :72-84.
1982. The quantity and quality of nutrient cations in some Michigan spodosols. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 133:383-389.
1982. The rate of species export from islands: an experimental approach with protozoan communities. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin. 29:79.
1982. Recruitment of digenetic trematodes using caged snails. Journal of Parasitology. 68:496-500.
1982. Restoration of damaged ecosystems. Research on Fish and Wildlife Habitat. EPA-600/8-82-022:220-239.
1982. Seasat imagery for detection of coastal wetlands. Proceeding of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. :1475-1485.
1982. Seasat imagery for detection of coastal wetlands. :1475-1485.
1982. Soil fertility changes following clearcut and whole-tree harvesting and burning in central Michigan. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 46:638-640.
1982. Sporophyte production and sexuality of mosses in two northern Michigan habitats. The Bryologist. 85:394-400.
1982. Stenelmis morsei, a new species of riffle beetle (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea: Elmidae) from South Carolina. The Coleopterists Bulletin. 36:170-174.
1982. Taking photographs up close. Science Teacher. 49:22-25.
1982. Tetraplodon angustatus in Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 21:103-104.
1982. Thirteen-fold change in population size of Peromyscus leucopus. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 60:2224-2225.
1982. Trichome variation and the ecology of Arctostaphylos in Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 21:171-180.
1982. The value of time budgets in research and planning for recreation populations. Journal of Environmental Systems. 11:325-340.
1982. Zooplankton community composition in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. EPA-905 3-82-002:83pp..
1982. Zooplankton community composition in nearshore waters of southern Lake Michigan. EPA-905 3-82-001:91pp..
1982. .
1982. A 53-year record of forest succession following fire in northern lower Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 20:3-14.