Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Wildlife in a changing environment. The Great Lakes Forest: An Environmental and Social History. :52-80.
1983. 15 ecophysiological effects of changing atmospheric CO2 concentration. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology. 12D
1982. Acid precipitation: its role in the alkalization of a lake in Michigan. Limnology and Oceanography. 27:856-867.
1982. Algal nuisances and indicators of pollution: Introduction and Bibliography. Selected Papers in Phycology II. :799-805.
1982. Artificial Substrates. Ann Arbor Science Publishers. Ann Arbor, Mich. 279 pp.
1982. Chemical and physical characteristics of shallow ground waters in northern Michigan bogs, swamps, and fens. American Journal of Botany. 69:1231-1239.
1982. A comparison of epiphytes on Bangia atropurpurea (Rhodophyta) and Cladophora glomerata (Chlorophyta) from northern Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 8:164-168.
1982. Comparison of five ageing methodologies applied to walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) in Burt Lake, Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 8:666-671.
1982. Consideration of the taxonomic position of the diatom Entomoneis ornata (J. W. Bail). Reim. Micron. 13:57-58.
1982. Creating and maintaining cultures of Chironomus tentans (Diptera: Chironomidae). Entomological News. 93:54-58.
1982. Distribution and comparative ecology of the pygmy (Sorex hoyi) and masked (Sorex cinereus) shrews in northern lower Michigan. Master of Science:58pp..
1982. Distribution and habitat of the pygmy shrew, Sorex (Microsorex) hoyi in Michigan. Jack Pine Warbler. 60:85-86.
1982. The distribution of Solidago ohioensis. Michigan Botanist. 21:51-57.
1982. Epiphytic diatom (Bacillariophyceae) community structure in a wetland continuum, Sugar Island, Michigan. Master of Science:66pp..
1982. Estimating biomass in northern lower Michigan forest stands. Forest Ecology and Management. 4:275-286.
1982. Feeding habits of Mysis relicta - an overview. Hydrobiologia. 93:101-107.
1982. Field studies on CP at UMBS. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter. 11:10-11,13.
1982. Fly-mediated spore dispersal in Splachnum ampullaceum (Musci). Michigan Botanist. 21:59-65.
1982. Freshwater protozoan communities. Microbial Interactions and Communities. :249-285.
1982. Genetic polymorphism for carrier preference in a phoretic mite. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 75:293-296.
1982. Insect mycophagy in the Boletales: a study of fungal-insect coevolution. Master of Science:68pp..
1982. Interactive and noninteractive protozoan colonization processes. Artificial Substrates. :23-70.
1982. Lifetime mating success in a natural population of the damselfly, Enallagma hageni (Walsh) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 10:293-302.
1982. Mechanisms of avian egg recognition: which egg parameters elicit responses by rejecter species? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 11:229-239.
1982. Modeling the Fate of Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment. The Fourth Pellston Environmental Workshop. :ix+413.