Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Pringle CMann, Bowers JA.  1984.  An in situ substratum fertilization technique: diatom colonization on nutrient-enriched, sand substrata. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 41:1247-1251.
Lyon JGrimson, Drobney RD.  1984.  Lake level effects as measured from aerial photos. Journal of Survey Engineering. 110
Cowan DP.  1984.  Life history and male dimorphism in the mite Kennethiella trisetosa (Acarina: Winterschmidtiidae), and its symbiotic relationship with the wasp Ancistrocerus antilope (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 77:725-732.
Jolls CL.  1984.  The maintenance of hermaphrodites and females in populations of Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke (Caryophyllaceae). American Journal of Botany. 71:60.
Hart KM, Jr. JCairns.  1984.  The maintenance of structural integrity in freshwater protozoan communities under stress. Hydrobiologia. 108:171-180.
Weis AE, Kapelinski A.  1984.  Manipulation of host plant development by the gall-midge Rhabdophaga strobiloides. Ecological Entomology. 9:457-465.
Waldbauer GP.  1984.  Mating behavior at blossoms and the flower associations of mimetic Temnostoma spp. (Diptera: Syrphidae) in northern Michigan. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 86:295-304.
Ferro D.N, Southwick E.E.  1984.  Microclimates of small arthropods: estimating humidity within the leaf boundary layer. Environmental Entomology. 13:926-929.
Jr. JCairns.  1984.  Multispecies toxicity testing. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 65:301-304.
Cadle SH, Dasch JMuhlbaier, Grossnickle NE.  1984.  Northern Michigan snowpack-a study of acid stability and release. Atmospheric Environment. 18:807-816.
C. Hellquist B.  1984.  Observations of Potamogeton hillii Morong in North America. Rhodora. 86:101-111.
Greenwell MG, Hall M, Sexton OJ.  1984.  Phenotypic basis for a feeding change in an insular population of garter snakes. Developmental psychobiology. 17:457-463.
Southwick E.E.  1984.  Photosynthate allocation to floral nectar: a neglected energy investment. Ecology. 65:1775-1779.
Rosen BH, Lowe RL.  1984.  Physiological and ultrastructural responses of Cyclotella meneghiniana (Bacillariophyta) to light intensity and nutrient limitation. Journal of Phycology. 20:173-183.
Robbins JA, Husby-Coupland K, White DS.  1984.  Precise radiotracer measurement of the rate of sediment reworking by Stylodrilus heringianus and the effects of variable dissolved oxygen concentrations. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 10:335-347.
Uglem GL, Aliff JV.  1984.  Proterometra edneyi n. sp. (Digenea: Azygiidae): behavior and distribution of acetylcholinesterase in cercariae. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 103:383-391.
Henebry MS, Jr. JCairns.  1984.  Protozoan colonization rates and trophic status of some freshwater wetland lakes. Journal of Protozoology. 31:456-467.
Cadle SH, Dasch JMuhlbaier, Grossnickle NE.  1984.  Retention and release of chemical species by a northern Michigan snowpack. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 22:303-319.
Martin MM, Kukor JJulius.  1984.  Role of mycophagy and bacteriophagy in invertebrate nutrition. Current Perspectives in Microbial Ecology. :257-263.
Cowan DP, Waldbauer GP.  1984.  Seasonal occurrence and mating at flowers by Ancistrocerus antilope (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 86:930-934.
Jurik TW, Weber JA, Gates DM.  1984.  Short-term effects of CO2 on gas exchange of leaves of bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) in the field. Plant Physiology. 75:1022-1026.
Blumer LSteven.  1984.  Simple, inexpensive method of tagging ictalurid fishes for individual identification. The Progressive Fish-Culturist. 46:152-154.
Wilson DSloan, Knollenberg W.G, Fudge J.  1984.  Species packing and temperature dependent competition among burying beetles (Silphidae, Nicrophorus). Ecological Entomology. 9:205-216.
Fincke OMargaret.  1984.  Sperm competition in the damselfly Enallagma hageni Walsh (Odonata: Coenagrionidae): benefits of multiple mating to males and females. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 14:235-240.
Rice CP, Evans MS.  1984.  Toxaphene in the Great Lakes. Toxic Contaminants in the Great Lakes. :163-194.