Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Weis AE.  1984.  Apical dominance asserted over lateral buds by the gall of Rhabdophaga strobiloides (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). The Canadian Entomologist. 116:1277-1279.
White DS, Doyen J.T, Brigham W.U.  1984.  Aquatic Coleoptera. An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, pp. .. :361-437.
Jr. JCairns.  1984.  Are single species toxicity tests alone adequate for estimating environmental hazard? Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 4:259-273.
Fairchild GWinfield, Lowe RL.  1984.  Artificial substrates which release nutrients: effects on periphyton and invertebrate succession. Hydrobiologia. 114:29-37.
Wilson DSloan, Fudge J.  1984.  Burying beetles: intraspecific interactions and reproductive success in the field. Ecological Entomology. 9:195-203.
Rushing AE, Carothers ZB, Duckett JG.  1984.  Comparative spermatogenesis in the Jungermanniales (Hepaticae) I. Observations on the structure of the young spermatids of Cephalozia lunulifolia and Chiloscyphus pallescens. Journal of Bryology. 13:247-256.
Scheiner SM, Goodnight CJ.  1984.  The comparison of phenotypic plasticity and genetic variation in populations of the grass Danthonia spicata. Evolution. 38:845-855.
Bachmann MDorothy Da.  1984.  Defensive behavior of brooding female red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Herpetologica. 40:436-443.
Laman TG, N. Boss C, Blankespoor HD.  1984.  Depth distribution of seven species of gastropods in Douglas Lake, Michigan. The Nautilus. 98:20-25.
E. Jr. RHunt, Weber JA, Gates DM.  1984.  Differences between tree species in hydraulic press calibration of leaf water potential are correlated with specific leaf area. Plant, Cell and Environment. 7:597-600.
N. Boss C, Laman TG, Blankespoor HD.  1984.  Dispersal movements of four species of pulmonate and operculate snails in Douglas Lake, Michigan. The Nautilus. 98:80-83.
Krezoski JR, Robbins JA, White DS.  1984.  Dual radiotracer measurement of zoobenthos-mediated solute and particle transport in freshwater sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research. 89:7937-7947.
Winnell MH, White DS.  1984.  Ecology of shallow and deep water populations of Pontoporeia hoyi (Smith) (Amphipoda) in Lake Michigan. Freshwater Invertebrate Biology. 3:118-138.
Batac-Catalan Z, White DS.  1984.  Effect of chromium on larval Chironomidae as determined by the optical-fiber light-interrruption biomonitoring system. Aquatic Toxicology and Hazard Assessment: Sixth Symposium. Special Technical Publication 802:469-481.
La Roche VEloise.  1984.  The effects of botfly parasitism of some life history parameters of two populations of eastern chipmunks in northern Michigan. Master of Science:57pp..
Pratt JR.  1984.  Export of species from sources of differing maturity and complexity. Doctor of Philosophy:135pp..
Cox DL, Koob TJ, Mecham RP, Sexton OJ.  1984.  External incubation alters the composition of squamate eggshells. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 79:481-487.
White DS, Pringle CMann.  1984.  Field centers: 2. The University of Michigan Biological Station. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society. 1:71-73.
Waldbauer GP, Ghent AW.  1984.  Flower associations and mating behavior or its absence at blossoms by Spilomyia spp. (Diptera, Syrphidae). Great Lakes Entomologist. 17:13-16.
Wilson DSloan, Knollenberg W.G.  1984.  Food discrimination and ovarian development in burying beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Nicrophorus). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 77:165-170.
Jr. JCairns.  1984.  Freshwater biological monitoring: keynote address. Freshwater Biological Monitoring. :1-14.
Scheiner SM, Gurevitch J, Teeri JA.  1984.  A genetic analysis of the photosynthetic properties of populations of Danthonia spicata that have different growth responses to light level. Oecologia. 64:74-77.
Gannon JEdward.  1984.  Great Lakes–one person’s dream, hope for tomorrow. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 10:97.
Wcislo WT.  1984.  Gregarious nesting of a digger wasp as a "selfish herd" response to a parasitic fly (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae; Diptera: Sarcophagidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 15:157-160.
Southern WEdward, Southern MD.  1984.  Herring Gulls specialize as Ring-billed Gull predators. Colonial Waterbirds. 7:105-110.