Research Bibliography
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Additions to the phycomycete flora of the Douglas Lake region. VIII. Chytridiomyces annulatus sp. nov. and notes on other zoosporic fungi. Nova Hedwigia. 18:349-365.
1969. A hyperparasitic Blyttiomyces. Mycologia. 61:1149-1158.
1969. A systematic study of the section Celluloderma Fayod of the genus Pluteus Fries in North America. Doctor of Philosophy:152pp..
1969. The status and distribution of Gentiana linearis and G. rubricaulis in the upper Great Lakes region. Michigan Botanist. 7:99-112.
1968. A preliminary account of the North American species of Leccinum, sections Luteoscabra and Scabra. Michigan Botanist. 7:107-154.
1967. Morphological and ecological study of Physoderma dulichii. American Journal of Botany. 53:34-45.
1966. New and noteworthy higher fungi from Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 5:18-2?.
1966. A new bog chytrid. Archiv fur Mikrobiologie. 53:178-180.
1966. A preliminary account of the North American species of Leccinum, section Leccinum. Michigan Botanist. 5:131-179.
1966. Additions to the phycomycete flora of the Douglas Lake region. V. New or interesting fungi. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 50:115-123.
1965. A new species of Crinipellis. Mycologia. 57:472-475.
1965. A preliminary note on a population of Monoblepharis. Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 48:55-58.
1965. The genus Calvatia in North America. Lloydia. 27:148-186.
1964. Coexistence and competition in populations of similar species of whirligig beetles (Gyrinidae). Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 44:116.
1963. Notes on some fungi of Michigan-I. Cyphellaceae. Persoonia. 3:97-154.
1963. A new phalangid (Opiliones) from Michigan, Leiobunum lineatum, sp. nov. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 81:146-149.
1962. Studies on Lactarius. III. The North American species of section Plinthogali. Brittonia. 14:369-440.
1962. The subsection Compactae of Russula. Brittonia. 14:254-284.
1962. Observations of a haplosporidian, Haplosporidium pickfordi, sp. nov. in fresh water snails. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 80:319-329.
1961. Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. X. Notes on some species of Physoderma occurring in Douglas Lake region of northern Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 46:183-194.
1961. Studies on Lactarius-I. The North American species of Sect. Lactarius. Brittonia. 12:119-139.
1960. Studies on Lactarius-II. The North American species of sections Scrobiculus, Crocei, Theiogali, and Vellus. Brittonia. 12:306-350.
1960. Two new species of Eimeria from the common newt, Notopthalmus viridescens. Journal of Protozoology. 7:217-221.
1960. Water mites of the genus Piona in the United States (Acarina: Pionidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 53:35-60.
1960. A new megascolecid earthworm from Michigan with notes on its biology. The Ohio Academy of Science. 58:270-272.