Research Bibliography
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Frankophila biggsii (Bacillariophyceae), a new diatom species from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany. 44:41-46.
2006. Some aspects of the chemical ecology of the crayfish Orconectes virilis and O. rusticus. Doctor of Philosophy:135pp..
2005. Wildlife issues on Great Lakes islands. State of the Great Lakes Islands: Proceedings from the 1996 U.S.-Canada Great Lakes Island Workshop, pp. . Dept. of Resources Dev., Mich. St. U., East Lansing, Mich.. :47-51.
1998. Moths of the Douglas Lake region (Emmet and Cheboygan counties), Michigan: V. Crambidae and Pyralidae (Lepidoptera). Great Lakes Entomologist. 29:141-160.
1996. Interspecific behavioral ecology of the crayfish Orconectes rusticus. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 7:69-76.
1992. .
A new species of Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae) from Northeastern United States. Systematic Botany. 8:86-92.
1983. The rate of species export from islands: an experimental approach with protozoan communities. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin. 29:79.
1982. Lichens of the Mackinac Straits region. II. Candelariella Mull. Arg. Michigan Botanist. 17:155-161.
1978. Factors affecting the number of species in freshwater protozoan communities. Aquatic Microbial Communities. :257-304.
1977. Some bog chytrids. Canadian Journal of Botany. 55:1879-1890.
1977. Notholca laurentiae and N. michiganensis, new rotifers from the Laurentian Great Lakes region. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 33:2814-2818.
1976. An ecological approach to rare and endangered species in the Great Lakes region. The Michigan Academician. 8:7-21.
1975. Some common North American species of Russula subsect. Emeticinae. Beihefte Nova Hedwigia. 51:207-237.
1975. The psilopezioid fungi. IV. The genus Pachyella (Pezizales). Canadian Journal of Botany. 51:2009-2023.
1973. Contributions to the diatom flora of the Laurentian Great Lakes. I. New and little-known species of Amphora (Bacillariophyta. Pennatibacillariophyceae). Phycologia. 10:397-409.
1972. North American Russulas of the subsection Foetentinae. Mycologia. 64:1008-1053.
1972. Studies in the genus Cortinarius, II: Section Dermocybe, new and intereting species from Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 11:13-25.
1972. The genus Gomphidius with a revised description of the Gomphidiaceae and a key to the genera. Mycologia. 63:1129-1163.
1971. Two new species of Hypomyces from Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 10:107-113.
1971. A developmental, morphological and taxonomic study of some monocentric Chytridiomycetes. Doctor of Philosophy:359pp..
1970. A new Clitocybe from Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 9:30-33.
1970. Notes on the subsection Crassotunicatinae and other species of Russula. Lloydia. 33:49-96.
1970. Additions to the phycomycete flora of the Douglas Lake region. VII. Observations on some cellulosic chytridiaceous fungi. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 66:203-219.