Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
By-ways of the north shore. 16:4-5,4.
1968. Dispersal patterns of subadult Herring Gulls from Rogers City, Michigan. Jack Pine Warbler. 46:2-6.
1968. The distribution of fresh-water protozoa on a relatively homogeneous substrate. Hydrobiologia. 31:65-72.
1968. Durability and efficiency of brush shelters installed in 1937 in Douglas Lake, Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Management. 32:515-520.
1968. Ecological significance of respiration and substrate for burrowing Ephemeroptera. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 46:93-103.
1968. The establishment of aquatic vegetation in and around artificial fish shelters in Douglas Lake, Michigan. The American Midlands Naturalist. 80:551-554.
1968. Estimation of chytrid propagules in Douglas Lake by the MPN-pollen grain method. Veroeffentlichungen des Instituts fuer Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven. 11:83-88.
1968. Experiments on the homing ability of Purple Martins. Living Bird. 7:71-84.
1968. Further observations on foster-feeding by Purple Martins. The Wilson Bulletin. 80:234-235.
1968. Homing in leopard frogs, Rana pipiens. Ecology. 49:386-399.
1968. .
1968. The life cycle of Cephalogonimus americanus Stafford, 1902 (Trematoda: Cephalogonimidae). Journal of Parasitology. 54:945-949.
1968. Light- and electron-microscopic observations on spore germination in Funaria hygrometrica. Botanical Gazette. 129:247-258.
1968. Means and effects of manipulating soil water in forests. Forest Fertilization: Theory and Practice. Symposium on Forest Fertilization, April 1967, at Gainesville, Florida. :10-15.
1968. Natural regulation of the aphid Pterocomma populifoliae on bigtooth aspen in northern lower Michigan. Ecology. 49:234-244.
1968. .
1968. Notes on boletes I. Mycologia. 60:943-954.
1968. Notes on species of Leccinum. I.: Additions to Section Leccinum. Lloydia. 31:252-267.
1968. Notes on the genus Suillus (Boletaceae). Michigan Botanist. 7:14-18.
1968. A preliminary report on the distribution of gymnosperms in Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 7:121-128.
1968. The pupa of Chaoborus albatus with a key to eastern Chaoborus pupae. Entomological News. 79:275-277.
1968. The role of environmental factors in Ring-billed and Herring Gull orientation. Doctor of Philosophy:281pp..
1968. Sex determination in mosses. Michigan Botanist. 7:195-203.
1968. The spring beauties (Claytonia) in Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 7:77-93.
1968. The status and distribution of Gentiana linearis and G. rubricaulis in the upper Great Lakes region. Michigan Botanist. 7:99-112.