Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Cannibalism in the salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Herpetologica. 17:143.
1961. A comparative study of generation from isolated gametophytic tissues in Mnium. The Bryologist. 64:37-47.
1961. An experimental study of the freshwater zinc cycle. Doctor of Philosophy:79pp..
1961. Hinge-tooth reversals in populations of Ohio Sphaeriidae. American Malacological Union Annual Report. :19-20.
1961. Hybrid aspens in the lower peninsula of Michigan. Rhodora. 63:311-324.
1961. Inhibition of digital regeneration in salamanders and its use in marking individuals for field studies. Ecology. 42:593-594.
1961. .
1961. Investigations in lake metabolism–photosynthesis: chlorophyll a in Grand Traverse Bay with reference to its use as an index of primary productivity. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Research Division Publication. No. 7:163-164.
1961. Liverworts. 14:234a,234b,235.
1961. .
1961. Moss. 15:844a,844b,845.
1961. Observations of a haplosporidian, Haplosporidium pickfordi, sp. nov. in fresh water snails. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 80:319-329.
1961. Observations on breeding behavior of Veeries in Michigan. Jack Pine Warbler. 39:62-71.
1961. Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. X. Notes on some species of Physoderma occurring in Douglas Lake region of northern Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 46:183-194.
1961. Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. XI. A Physoderma on Agropyron repens. American Journal of Botany. 48:850-858.
1961. The occurrence of Bryum coronatum in Michigan. The Bryologist. 64:64-65.
1961. The osteology of the troutperch, Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum). Master of Science:42pp..
1961. Paul Smith Welch. Hydrobiologia. 17:259-261.
1961. Pisidium benslowanum (Sheppard) in Lake Michigan. The Nautilus. 74:123.
1961. Pohlia bulbifera - a new record for Michigan. The Bryologist. 64:383.
1961. Rates of desiccation and rehydration of eggs in a terrestrial salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Copeia. 75:110-112.
1961. Relation of substrate moisture to absorption and loss of water by the salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Ecology. 42:814-819.
1961. Respiration and substrate as factors influencing the distribution of the burrowing mayflies Ephemera simulans and Hexagenia limbata. Doctor of Philosophy:113pp..
1961. Review: Index Muscorum, by R. van der Wijk, W.D. Margadant, P.A. Florshutz. Nova Hedwigia. 2:571-572.
1961. Selection of genetically superior clones of bigtooth aspen in northern lower Michigan. Master of Forestry:57pp..