Research Bibliography
Found 3398 results
Pollen morphology in the maples (Acer L.). Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 48:151-164.
1963. A preliminary survey of the myxomycetes of Emmet and Cheboygan Counties. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 48:131-136.
1963. Proprioception in the legs of phalangids. The Biological Bulletin. 124:262-267.
1963. The relation of oxygen consumption to substrate particle size in two burrowing mayflies. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 40:447-453.
1963. Respiratory regulation in Ephemera simulans Walker and Hexagenia limbata (Serville) (Ephemeroptera). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 40:455-467.
1963. Return of herring gulls to natal colony. Bird-Banding. 34:68-72.
1963. Review. Index Hepaticarum by C.E.B. Bonner. Pars II l962 and Pars III 1963. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 90:418-419.
1963. Shoot and needle responses of 20-year-old red pine to current soil moisture regimes. Forest Science. 9:497-506.
1963. Social parasitism in the Tarsonemidae, with description of a new species of tarsonemid mite involved. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 56:153-160.
1963. Some moss reports for Michigan. The Bryologist. 66:68-69.
1963. Some moss reports for Michigan. The Bryologist. 66:68-69.
1963. Tree Swallow nesting in Martin colony. The Wilson Bulletin. 75:278.
1963. The University of Michigan Biological Station. American Zoologist. 3:331-333.
1963. Vegetative propagation of aspen by greenwood cuttings. Journal of Forest Science. 61:385-386.
1963. Aspen root sucker formation and apical dominance. Forest Science. 8:403-410.
1962. The behavior of Megarhyssa, a genus of parasitic hymenopterans (Ichneumonidae: Ephialtinae). Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie. 19:652-664.
1962. Corticolous bryophyte and lichen communities on American beech (Fagus grandifolia) in northern Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 1:37-42.
1962. Depth and diameter of the parent roots of aspen root suckers. Michigan Forestry. 23:4pp..
1962. The early embryology of teleosts with special reference to Percina caprodes, Brachydanio rerio, and Osmerus mordax. Doctor of Philosophy:110pp..
1962. Environmental factors influencing local distribution and activity of the salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Ecology. 43:460-472.
1962. .
1962. Habitat of the Cisco, Coregonus artedii (Lesueur) in inland lakes of Michigan. Master of Science in Fisheries:24pp..
1962. Hawk migrations around the Great Lakes. 64:44-45,49.
1962. Lake Stanley, a low stage of Lake Huron indicated by bottom sediments. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 73:613-620.
1962. A mite parasitic in the cocoons of earthworms. Journal of Parasitology. 48:120-123.