Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Voss EG.  1966.  Two kinds of beauties. 14:7-8.
Crum HA.  1965.  Additions to the Douglas Lake bryoflora. Michigan Botanist. 4:26.
Jr. FKSparrow, Paterson RA, Johns RM.  1965.  Additions to the phycomycete flora of the Douglas Lake region. V. New or interesting fungi. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 50:115-123.
Ludwig JPinson.  1965.  Biology and structure of the Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia) population of the Great Lakes from 1896-1964. Bird-Banding. 36:217-233.
Southern WEdward.  1965.  Biotelemetry: A new technique for wildlife research. Living Bird. 4:45-58.
Southern WEdward.  1965.  Biotelemetry: Avian navigation. BioScience. 15:87-88.
Jeanne RL.  1965.  A case of a weasel climbing trees. Journal of Mammalogy. 46:344-345.
Voss EG.  1965.  On citing the names of publishing authors. Taxon. 14:154-160.
Bertenshaw JL.  1965.  The clonal structure of selected aspen stands in northern lower Michigan. Master of Science:56pp..
Payne RB.  1965.  Clutch size and numbers of eggs laid by Brown-headed Cowbirds. The Condor. 67:44-60.
Jr. LEPeters, LaBonte RP.  1965.  Comparative morphology of four species of allcreadiid miracidia (Trematoda). Journal of Parasitology. 51:583-586.
Voss EG.  1965.  Comparative revegetation of denuded areas in northern Michigan. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters. 50:139-160.
Jr. WHYongue.  1965.  A condition in blood cells of Natrix with reference to Cytamoeba and Toddia. II. Mechanical transmission. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. 81
Soper JH, Voss EG, Guire KE.  1965.  Distribution of Primula mistassinica in the Great Lakes region. Michigan Botanist. 4:83-86.
Heatwole HFranklin, Davis DM.  1965.  Ecology of three sympatric species of parasitic insects of the genus Megarhyssa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Ecology. 46:140-150.
Zahner R, De Byle NValentine.  1965.  Effect of pruning the parent root on growth of aspen suckers. Ecology. 46:373-375.
Monroe JH.  1965.  Electron microscopic observation of spore germination in Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Doctor of Philosophy
Hellum AKare.  1965.  Factors influencing frond size of bracken on sandy soils in northern lower Michigan. Doctor of Philosophy:106pp..
Jr. JLTate, Postupalsky S.  1965.  Food remains at a Bald Eagle nest. Jack Pine Warbler. 43:146.
Lee PA.  1965.  Histological and biochemical analysis of the annual cycle of growth and secretion in the oviduct of Rana pipiens. Doctor of Philosophy:187pp..
Piehl MA.  1965.  The natural history and taxonomy of Comandra (Santalaceae). Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club. 22:1-97.
Sanders CJ.  1965.  Natural regulation of the aphid Pterocomma populifoliae on big tooth aspen suckers in northern Michigan. Doctor of Philosophy:105pp..
Krause H.  1965.  Nesting of a pair of Canada Warblers. Living Bird. 4:5-11.
Shaffer RL, Weaver MG.  1965.  A new species of Crinipellis. Mycologia. 57:472-475.
Hesler L.R, Smith AH.  1965.  North American species of Crepidotus.