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Large Eddy Simulation of the Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Isoprene

Project Abstract: 
Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC), such as isoprene, are emitted from vegetation and oxidize rapidly in the atmosphere. Oxidation products from these compounds can contribute to the formation of ozone and secondary aerosols having an adverse effect on regional air quality. A detailed long term record of BVOC measurements currently exists as a result of the Program for Research on Oxidants: Photochemistry, Emissions, and Transport (PROPHET) at UMBS. With a long term data record available, one has a valuable resource for model development and evaluation. Using three dimensional full physics numerical models to investigate physical phenomena is feasible with recent advances in computing resources, and more applicable with use of commercially available CFD codes. We propose developing a micro-scale full physics atmospheric chemistry forest canopy model using the commercial CFD code Fluent. The model will be fundamentally based on large eddy simulation (LES). LES has the ability to capture the dynamics of forest canopy flow, including coherent structures which are responsible for the majority of scalar transport into and out of forest canopies. Model inputs include meteorological parameters, canopy parameters, and emissions. In addition to chemistry, we also will include a deposition resistance based scheme in the model. This model will be used as a tool to investigate BVOC transport and chemistry. Specific issues to be investigated will be the link between isoprene and sensible heat flux, isoprene-hydroxyl interaction, species deposition, and foot print size and location estimates. The model will have many future applications beyond what is proposed.
Status of Research Project: 
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