A systematic random method was used to locate thirty-eight 10 x 20 m plots. Plots were subdivided into four 5 x 10 m subplots. After locating an area of relatively homogenous forest canopy coverage, a compass was spun to determine the azimuth and distance to the northeast corner of the plot. This corner was marked with a permanent stake, and the azimuth and distance to the stake from a witness tree were recorded.
Three size classes were determined for all tree species: overstory (dbh > 9.1 cm); understory (1.5-9.0 cm dbh); and ground cover (<1.5cm dbh); and the species and dbh to the nearest 0.1 cm were recorded for all live and dead standing overstory and understory trees. Physiographic system, landform, type, and ecosystem were recorded (See attached documents).
The following values were calculated:
Basal Area: BA= 0.00007854*(dbh*dbh)
Sum of Basal Area: SumBA=sum(BA)
Relative Density: Den = 1/Nstems
Relative Dominance: Dom = BA/SumBA