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Hotspots of Beech Bark Disease at UMBS 2012 - 2018

Beach Bark Disease (BBD) is affecting forest ecology within the upper Great Lakes region and at UMBS. This dataset includes GIS layers of mapped BBD locations and hotspots that were derived from aerial NAIP imagery biennially 2012-2018. For more information please see Barnett et al 2022.
Locating and tracking outbreaks of pests and pathogens enables forest ecologists and managers to assess impact or develop interventions. The purpose of this project was to explore and prototype an open-source framework for identification of BBD-affected tree crowns and for assessment of their spatial-temporal distribution over heterogeneous forested landscapes. Results located hotspots of BBD on the UMBS landscape over a time series 2012-2018 and confirmed its spatial relationships with different cover types based on a local UMBS Landsat-derived classification and the NLCD classification (National Land Cover Dataset). Limitations include the fact that BBD can only be observed via remote sensing at certain stage of its development, and limitations in the radiometric consistency of the input NAIP imagery upon which automated algorithms must rely and affecting accuracy. Thus, data is appropriate to describe hotspots of BBD and its expansion over time plus relationships to different cover types; it is not an exhaustive map of BBD-affected trees.
Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-84.77979362011 45.470657498909, -84.77979362011 45.61342952776, -84.620309472084 45.61342952776, -84.620309472084 45.470657498909))
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
UMBS property, Pellston, MI
Temporal Coverage
Friday, June 1, 2012 - 00:00 to Saturday, September 1, 2018 - 00:00
Jared Barnett
Contact Name
Dr. Kathleen Bergen
Contact Email
Public Access Level
Publication Date: 
Friday, March 17, 2023