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50 Year plots and replicates

In 1938, 6 0.1 acre tree census plots were established on the UMBS property. In these "50 Year" plots, all trees were given ID tags, and had DBH censuses conducted at irregular intervals through 2001. In Plot 6, information about shrub count and size was also collected. Art Cooper (1969-1998) and Mark Roberts (2008) each established several plots designed to replicate 50 Year Plot #2. In these (along with Plot #2), DBH inventories and sapling counts were conducted without respect to tree ID tags. In the Mark Roberts plots and 50 Year Plot 2, species-wise counts of standing dead trees were also conducted. The included .zip file has a shapefile with the locations of each plot. This dataset will need to be updated as additional M. Roberts and A. Cooper plot spreadsheets are digitized.
Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Area
POLYGON ((-84.782867431641 45.468407820307, -84.782867431641 45.624212854504, -84.612579345703 45.624212854504, -84.612579345703 45.468407820307))
Jason Tallant, Robert Vande Kopple
Contact Name
Arthur Cooper, Roberts, Mark Richard, Robert Vande Kopple, Frank Gates, David Gates, Jurik, Thomas W., Briggs, George M., Richardson, Curtis J., Sakai, Ann K., Sulak, JoAnne H., Spurr, Stephen H.
Contact Email
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