Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Gannon JEdward, Ladewski TB, Bricker KS.  1976.  Crustacean zooplankton of the Straits of Mackinac and northern Lake Michigan. Biological, Chemical and Physical Relationships in the Straits of Mackinac. EPA-600/3-76-095:133-190.
Tenhunen JD, Yocum CS, Gates DM.  1976.  Development of a photosynthesis model with an emphasis on ecological applications I. Theory. Oecologia. 26:89-100.
Tenhunen JD, Weber JA, Yocum CS, Gates DM.  1976.  Development of a photosynthesis model with an emphasis on ecological applications. II. Analysis of a data set describing the PM surface. Oecologia. 26:101-119.
Bricker KS, F. Bricker J, Gannon JEdward.  1976.  Distribution and abundance of zooplankton in the U.S. waters of Lake St. Clair, 1973. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 2:256-271.
Gannon JEdward.  1976.  The effects of differential digestion rates of zooplankton by alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, on determinations of selective feeding. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 105:89-95.
Jr. JCairns, Jr. WHYongue, Smith N.  1976.  The effects of substrate quality upon colonization by freshwater protozoans. Revista de Biologia. 10:13-20.
Gates DM.  1976.  Energy exchange and transpiration. Water and Plant Life. :136-147.
Rothstein SI.  1976.  Experiments on defenses Cedar Waxwings use against Cowbird parasitism. The Auk. 93:675-691.
Jarvis WL, Southern WEdward.  1976.  Food habits of Ring-billed Gulls breeding in the Great Lakes region. The Wilson Bulletin. 88:621-631.
Test FH, McCann RG.  1976.  Foraging behavior of Bufo americanus tadpoles in response to high densities of microorganisms. Copeia. 3:576-578.
Southern WEdward, Jarvis WL, Brewick L..  1976.  Foraging ecology of Great Lakes region Ring-billed Gulls. Fish Eating Birds of the Great Lakes and Environmental Contaminants Conference. :100-144.
Pringle JS.  1976.  Gypsophila scorzonerifolia (Caryophyllaceae), a naturalized species in the Great Lakes region. Michigan Botanist. 15:215-219.
Bakken GS.  1976.  An improved method for determining thermal conductance and equilibrium body temperature with cooling curve experiments. Journal of Thermal Biology. 1:169-175.
Southern WEdward, Cuthbert FJean, Patton SR.  1976.  The influence of fox predation on Ring-billed and Herring Gull nesting success. First Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks. 5:519-524.
Jr. JCairns, Kaesler RL, Kuhn DL, Plafkin JL, Jr. WHYongue.  1976.  The influence of natural perturbation on protozoan communities inhabiting artificial substrates. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. 95:646-653.
Jr. JCairns, Messenger DI, Calhoun WFord.  1976.  Invertebrate response to thermal shock following exposure to acutely sublethal concentrations of chemicals. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 77:164-175.
F. Bricker J, Gannon JEdward.  1976.  Limnological investigation of Hoop Lake-a northern Michigan bog. The Michigan Academician. 9:25-42.
Dawson WR, Bennett AF, Hudson JW.  1976.  Metabolism and thermoregulation in hatchling Ring-billed gulls. The Condor. 78:49-60.
Southern WEdward.  1976.  Migrational orientation in Ring-billed Gull chicks. The Auk. 93:78-85.
Crum HA.  1976.  Mosses of the Great Lakes Forest. Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium.
Stemberger RS.  1976.  Notholca laurentiae and N. michiganensis, new rotifers from the Laurentian Great Lakes region. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 33:2814-2818.
Jr. FKSparrow.  1976.  Observations on chytridiaceous parasites of phanerogams. XXV. Physoderma johnsii Sparrow, a parasite of Caltha palustris L. American Journal of Botany. 63:602-607.
Lowe RL.  1976.  Phytoplankton in Michigan’s nearshore waters of Lake Huron and Lake Superior 1974. :30pp..
Jr. OSewall Pet.  1976.  The prey of six species of hawks in northern lower Michigan. Jack Pine Warbler. 54:70-74.
Foster WL.  1976.  Profile of the Land: Natural Features of the Inland Water Route Region of Northern Lower Michigan. :29pp..