Research Bibliography

Found 3398 results
Hazlett BTheodore.  1988.  Factors influencing island floras in northern Lake Michigan. Doctor of Philosophy:223pp..
Crum HA.  1988.  A Focus on Peatlands and Peat Mosses.
Wyngaard GA.  1988.  Geographical variation in dormancy in a copepod: evidence from population crosses. Hydrobiologia. 167/168:367-374.
Jr. HJCarrick, Lowe RL, Rotenberry JT.  1988.  Guilds of benthic algae along nutrient gradients: relationships to algal community diversity. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 7:117-128.
Hendricks SPatricia, White DS.  1988.  Hummocking by lotic Chara: observations on alterations of hyporheic temperature patterns. Aquatic Botany. 31:13-22.
Teeri JA.  1988.  Interaction of temperature and other environmental variables influencing plant distribution. Plants and Temperature. :77-89.
Fortner SL, White DS.  1988.  Interstitial water patterns: a factor influencing the distributions of some lotic aquatic vascular macrophytes. Aquatic Botany. 31:1-12.
Waldbauer GP, Sternburg J.G, Ghent AW.  1988.  Lakes Michigan and Huron limit gene flow between the subspecies of the butterfly Limenitis arthemis. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 66:1790-1795.
Burch JB, Jung Y.  1988.  Land snails of the University of Michigan Biological Station area. Walkerana. 3:1-177.
Burch JB.  1988.  North American freshwater snails. Introduction, systematics, nomenclature, identification, morphology, habitats, distribution. Walkerana. 2:1-80.
Zuk M.  1988.  Parasite load, body size, and age of wild-caught male field crickets (Orthoptera: Gryllidae): effects on sexual selection. Evolution. 42:969-976.
Pringle CMann, Naiman RJ, Bretschko G, Karr JR, Oswood MW, Webster JR, Welcomme RL, Winterbourn MJ.  1988.  Patch dynamics in lotic systems: the stream as a mosaic. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 7:503-524.
Wetzel PR.  1988.  Phosphate adsorption by cedar wetland soils in northern lower Michigan. Michigan Botanist. 27:15-20.
Rosatti TJames.  1988.  Pollen morphology of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Ericaceae) in North America. Grana. 27:115-121.
Scheiner SM.  1988.  Population dynamics of an herbaceous perennial Danthonia spicata during secondary forest succession. The American Midlands Naturalist. 119:268-281.
Newman RM, W. Kerfoot C.  1988.  Potential chemical defense of stream macrophytes (watercress and Gammarus). Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 69:245(Abstr.
Cuthbert FJean.  1988.  Reproductive success and colony-site tenacity in Caspian Terns. The Auk. 105:339-344.
Jr. HJCarrick, Lowe RL.  1988.  Response of Lake Michigan benthic algae to in situ enrichment with Si, N, and P. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 45:271-279.
W. Kerfoot C.  1988.  Role of endogenous (chemical) defenses in plant-herbivore interactions. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Aquatic Plant Control Research Program. Miscellaneous Paper A-88-5:31-47.
Kukor JJulius, Cowan DP, Martin MM.  1988.  The role of ingested fungal enzymes in cellulose digestion in the larvae of cerambycid beetles. Physiological Zoology. 61:364-371.
Scheiner SM.  1988.  The seed bank and above-ground vegetation in an upland pine-hardwood succession. Michigan Botanist. 27:99-106.
Fincke OMargaret.  1988.  Sources of variation in lifetime reproductive success in a non-territorial damselfly. Reproductive Success. :24-42.
Jurik TW, Briggs GM, Gates DM.  1988.  Springtime recovery of photosynthetic activity of white pine in Michigan. Canadian Journal of Botany. 66:138-141.
C. Hellquist B, C. Philbrick T, Hilton RL.  1988.  The taxonomic status of Potamogeton lateralis Morong (Potamogetonaceae). Rhodora. 90:15-20.
Scheiner SM, Sharik TL, Roberts MRichard, Kopple RJVande.  1988.  Tree density and modes of tree recruitment in a Michigan pine-hardwood forest after clear-cutting and burning. The Canadian Field-Naturalist. 102:634-638.