Trunk height data for 275 trees, tagged in a 60 m radius plot surrounding the UMBS AmeriFlux tower, will be collected this summer during the proposed one-week visit. All 5 quaking aspen and a random sampling of 45 bigtooth aspen, red maple, paper birch, northern red oak, American beech, and eastern white pine will be measured. A metric tape measure will be used for understory and other short-trunk trees; for overstory trees with tall trunks—unreachable from the ground—trunk height will be estimated using a trigonometric relationship comparing the inclination angle from the ground to the lowest branch (measured by clinometer) and the measurement distance from the tree.
Crown height will be estimated using allometric relationships of tree height as a function of diameter at breast height (DBH). Concurrent DBH and tree height data (1997; courtesy of C. Vogel) will be used to develop power regressions as in Garrity et al. (2012). Recent DBH measurements (2010; courtesy of C. Vogel) will be applied to the regressions to estimate present-day crown height. To assess the validity of the 2010 DBH data for representing current tree height, DBH for a subset of trees will be measured this summer and compared with the 2010 measurements.
Following data collection at UMBS, the trunk and crown height data will be averaged by tree species to develop site-level mean quantities as input for my 1D model and applied to the heterogeneous simulation. An ecosystem-level mean vertical foliage density distribution, based on data obtained at UMBS in 2011 (courtesy of B. Hardimann), will be applied to each simulation. Simulated concentrations and fluxes of primary (emitted) BVOC, BVOC oxidation products, and ozone will be compared for the homogeneous and heterogeneous cases to assess the importance of considering vertical heterogeneities in foliage and biogenic emissions in atmospheric models.