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Using Species Invasion as a Model to Study Bacterial Disturbance Ecology

Project Abstract: 
Invasive dreissenid mussels (IDMs) have had severe repercussions in the food web structure and ecology of freshwater systems globally. Most work on their impacts have focused on eukaryotic food webs, indicating steep reductions in phyto- and zooplankton community biomass, though their role in inducing outbreaks of toxic cyanobacterial blooms and bacterially-caused avian botulism highlights their potential impact through disturbing lake bacterial communities. In this set of experiments, I will use IDMs as a model of biological disturbance to study how bacterial communities from preadapted (IDM invaded) and non-preadapted (IDM-free) lakes change their phenotypic and taxonomic composition. The goals of this pilot study are to (1) characterize the rate of compositional change for lake bacterial communities when grown in a cattle tank and (2) compare the community composition shifts between preadapted (invaded lakes) and non-preadapted (IDM-free lakes) bacterial communities when exposed to direct IDM feeding.
Years Active: 
Experiment 1: We will collect surface water from 3 IDM invaded (Whitmore, Cedar, Bruin) and 3 IDM-free (Bishop, North, Woodland) inland lakes. Water collected from these lakes will be filtered using a 153 μm Nitex mesh to remove debris and large zooplankton. One L filtered water from each lake will be transferred into dialysis bags in triplicates. All bags (6x3), which allow for nutrients but not biota to pass through, will be placed in a cattle tank filled with water from Douglas lake. Each dialysis bag will be non-destructively sampled, every 3 hours for 24 hours, by removing 1 ml water for FCM analysis. The goal of this experiment is to determine the compositional and phenotypic changes occurring by changing environmental conditions to Douglas lake water and select the optimal equilibration time before addition of IDM in experiment 2. Experiment 2: We will follow the same protocol as above to process water from each lake and transfer to dialysis bags into an Douglas lake water containing cattle tank. This time, however, we will set up 54 dialysis bags and let the bacterial communities equilibrate based on experiment 1 results. Two IDMs will be added to 3 dialysis bags from each lake. Response of bacterial communities to IDM will be tracked using FCM and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. 3X6 IDM free samples and all 6X6 remaining samples will be destructively sampled for 16S rRNA gene at the beginning and end of the experiment (set at 3.5 hours based on previous experiments), respectively. Before the samples are destructively sampled, 1 ml will be preserved for FCM analysis.
Funding agency: