To non-invasively collect hair samples from marten we will use hair snares made of 6” corrugated drain pipe. Drain pipe is bisected by two wooden dowels wrapped with packing tape that is placed sticky side out. Snares will be baited with meat, affixed to a tree using a bungee cord, and a long distance call lure will be placed near the snare to attract marten. Reconyx covert IR cameras will be installed at each snare location to monitor animal use of snare. Snares will be checked for hair every 3-4 days throughout the summer. If hair is detected, tape will be removed, and the snares will be reset. Hair samples will be taken to UM Flint for DNA analyses.
Hair snares will be set if forested areas throughout UMBS property. We anticipate setting 7-9 snares total throughout the 10,000 acres surrounding Douglas Lake.
Funding agency:
Jill Witt - Startup Funds