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UMBS Cooper Plots

45.5556, -84.7092
Site Overview: 
The UMBS Cooper Plots were initiated in 1967 to provide replicate plots for the UMBS 50 Year Plots that were established in 1938. There are 13 plots in total located in aspen-dominated stands of varying soil quality around the University of Michigan Biological Station property.
Site History: 

Art Cooper (1998, personal conversation): Frank Gates corresponded with F. X. Schumacher (forest mensurationist at Duke) about his 50 year plots study. Schumacher said only one problem - there was no replication. In 1967 when Art was teaching Plant Ecology here he found out about the 50 year plots and discovered he could tie in the work the class was doing (biomass allometric equations) to that data. They might be able to build a better picture of succession, but there was no sense of the variability of the aspen forest. So Nancy Worley put in more reference plots all on the same soil type - she used the cover type maps.