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Soil redox levels in wetland ecosystems

Project Abstract: 
<p>We are looking at whether under higher soil redox levels, the process of denitrification is incomplete, therefore emitting N2O rather than N2. Since N2O is a very potent greenhouse gas, incomplete denitrification can be a serious environmental problem. We hypothesize that in great lakes coastal wetlands where the invasive plant Typha x glauca has persisted for several decades, it fills in the wetland with its enormous biomass. By filling in the wetland, it dries the soils, increasing the redox. We will use the experimental mesocosms at UMBS to test whether wetlands with Typha have higher redox and lower &quot;quality&quot; denitrification than wetlands without Typha.</p>
Funding agency: 
NOAA Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant