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Restoration of native pine species in Great Lakes coastal environments

Project Abstract: 
Limited information exists on the regeneration dynamics, mycorrhizal associations, and genetic diversity and local adaptation of native pine species in Great Lakes coastal environments (dunes/beach ridges). An improved understanding of these issues is essential to designing and implementing restoration of native pines to coastal Great Lakes ecosystems and could indicate how these species will respond to future climatic changes.
Years Active: 
Based on modern vegetation data described above, sampling plots will be located in areas currently or previously occupied by native pines in various locations around the Great Lakes region. Survey stands will be located based on modern vegetation data, aerial photographs, and historical data. The overstory in stands will be surveyed by randomly locating 0.1ha circular plots within the stand boundaries, all trees >10cm dbh will be measured. The current status of pine regeneration will be assessed by surveys of understory pine individuals by height and diameter classes. Age structure and establishment patterns of overstory trees will be assessed based on increment cores collected from trees in overstory survey plots. In each stand included in the survey, seeds will be collected from native pine trees for use in reciprocal transplant experiments.
Funding agency: 
NOAA Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant